How it all ends...

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Yozora and Midoriya were all that were left to stand against the demigod Death. They knew that if they lost, everyone and everything will die.

They know that whatever happens, they have to give it their all. No matter the consequences.

"Yozora, ever since you've came to UA, I've been wanting to grow in power. You using your power at high percentages is amazing and all I ever wanted to do was that." Midoriya said looking at Death.

"Thank you Midoriya. I feel the same for you. All I wanted to do was grow as a person and hero and I wanted to become as strong and amazing as you." Yozora said as he looked at Midoriya.

As Yozora was charged up with over 100%, a new spirit joined him. It was something that was so powerful, Yozora had black and red electricity going around him.

The spirit that Yozora is using is Cerberus. The 3 headed dog and the defender of Hell. He also gained a new eye color because of this new spirit... orange.

Yozora let his ears and tail come out. They were black with red tips and they were glowing and flowing with power and he grew fangs as well.

"You children will never defeat me!" Death yelled as she short a fire blast with both of her hands towards them.

"DETROIT SMASH!!!!" Midoriya yelled as he punched through the fire and protected Yozora from it as well.

They stood together, ready to fight. Midoriya's arm was purple but at this moment, he couldn't feel any pain and only had 1 goal in mind. To win.

"Let's end this." Yozora said as him and Midoriya dashed towards Death.

"Prepare to die!" Death yelled as she flew towards them.

Death tried slicing her scythe at Midoriya but he dodged it and was able to kick her on the side of her stomach.

She coughed up a lot of blood and flew back but recovered fine.

Yozora jumped at her and to defend herself, she summoned her scythe and held it in front of her. Yozora bit into the staff part and as he was breaking it with his fangs...

Death looked in his eyes and saw a new person, not the kid that she saw a few days ago.

But she saw an adult who grew from that pain...

Yozora bit through the staff and grabbed Death and threw her to the ground, where she caused a huge hole.

Yozora was going to punch her but she flew out of the way in time. Yozora's whole arm was stuck in the ground when he missed.

Death smirked and threw her scythe at Yozora. As it was getting closer, Midoriya caught it and threw it at Death.

She dodged it and flew up to get a vantage point. But Midoriya grabbed her foot and threw her back at the ground.

Yozora was able to escape and jumped up to find Death.

As Death stood on the ground, One for all embodied Midoriya and he ran towards Death as a green lighting bolt. She was able to hold him back by spinning her scythes quickly.

But she didn't notice Yozora coming from behind to kick her on her spine. You could hear the crunch of her bones breaking

She got launched and was able to heal her broken bones and she flew towards them with a red scythe that if she can cut them, they would instantly die.

Yozora morphed into his Wolf form but it was new. He was a wolf with parts of his body showing his skeleton and inside the skeleton, it was burning with fire.

He ran towards Death as a wolf and breathed fire at her.

She had to spin in a whirlwind motion to stop the flames and before she swung her scythe, OFA Midoriya came from below and kicked her on her stomach and sent her flying to the sky.

Death then breathed fire through her skeleton mouth and Wolf Yozora blew fire at her as well.

Both fire collided and it combined and caused a huge explosion of orange and purple.

OFA Midoriya then raised his hand and pulled it down with all his might to summon a massive green lightning bolt.

It made contact with Death and it overloaded her nervous system where she was shooting purple fire from both her feet, hands and from her mouth.

Death then took that green energy and converted it to a combo of purple lightning and fire and shot it at them both.

Yozora grabbed Midoriya and took him out of the way before they got hit.

Once the fire lighting hit the ground, it caused a massive explosion and earthquake.

It didn't matter to them, Yozora changed back to a human and jumped to grab Death and threw her towards Midoriya.

"It's over Death." Midoriya said but it sounded as if his voice and 7 others were speaking at once. He threw a million punches in a second at Death and threw her back up at Yozora.

Not even a second to spare, Yozora charged his fist to the strongest he's ever done.

For the first time in Death's life, she was terrified.

What she saw was something she'll never forget.

Yozora came at her with a silhouette of Cerberus behind him and the silhouette looked like it was full of rage and was about to bite her.

"You're finished." Yozora said. He threw the final punched and as it made contact with Death, A wolf's howl was heard and the howl could be heard all around the world.

The battle was over. And Midoriya and Yozora were able to save the world.

Yozora Ōkami: Journey to be a hero (MHA)Where stories live. Discover now