Part 6 - Games

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~Chilled's POV~

Clicking around in the website there are several photos of the museum, being a pretty famous one with beauty in the design of the very building but all skillfully taken so that no one would notice the damaged wood up on the attic of the building. Nor does it explain anywhere that the art is stashed away at night, although it's a commonality for museums to do so, so I could just assume that he assumed it'd go down like that at this museum.

I sigh in frustration, clicking frantically around the webpages hoping for some sort of sign that will point me directly towards the thief but nothing shows up. If he knew Sark's team will be at that particular side, since I'm assuming he did a sneak attack on them otherwise they wouldn't have been beaten so easily, then he'd have to know the sewer is only on this side. Finally I just face plant on my desk in frustration I can't find anything useful Sark and Gassy will compliment me for, for once. I drag my face back up, closing the window while drawing a new blue line at a one week line, just barely missing Adam and Cathy. I shove the papers aside before clicking around on the computer, beginning my one by one investigations of each suspect, gathering all the information I can before putting them all together in a large document list in Word I put together and send to Sark, along with the list of the people who moved here.

When the document is sent I rise from my seat and glance over at my billboards, frowning at the calendar marking the first SeaNanners attack in clear red marker. Today is also marked with a blue marker claiming it was the day for the second attack I'm not allowed to go to. Although I realize it's very fucked up, I'm secretly hoping SeaNanners doesn't get caught tonight because I want to catch the fucker before anybody else gets a chance. I was hoping to find out who he is in reality but none of the people I investigates seem to have the potential.

"Chilled?" At the voice I turn and smile towards Ze who still has his knuckles against my door with a worried look on his face. "You're not planning on... doing anything sneaky tonight will you?" I pause for a second, pondering on the hundreds of sneaky things I could be planning on doing but when I realize what he means I truly hesitate. How come I hadn't thought about sneaking into Mrs. Pennington's house during the attack?

"Hey that's a good idea," I comment with a joking smile but through my head I seriously consider it. Ze frowns, ignoring the fake joking tone I layered over my comment and shakes his head, making sure to shut the door behind him to avoid getting me in trouble.

"Seriously Chilled, you better not. You're not exactly on the best terms with the boss, I mean you guys are good friends but work wise not the best terms. I just don't want you to get fired. Jess will be pissed at you." I stare at my oblivious friend for a long time, pondering on whether I should explain to him or not but I decide not to worry him even more than he is already. I'd like to keep my friend a full head of hair, I've already probably caused a few gray strands.

"I'm joking, seriously. I'm going out to hang with Adam anyways, and I would invite you if you weren't busy," I explain, secretly hoping desperately my best friend has time but he sighs and shakes his head, murdering my hope in an instant. I guess I now know how Jess felt all those times I couldn't hang out with her because of work. It doesn't exactly feel good.

"Sorry, I'll be working behind the scenes at Pennington's tonight and we need to set up early. I guess it'll be good for you to be making friends outside the office, as long as he isn't some crazy murderer. You sure you're not going to try and do something stupid?" I roll my eyes at him.

"What? Don't you trust me?"


"Wow. That hurts man," I feign hurt making him roll his eyes and I just laugh and shake my head. "But seriously, I won't. It's not like I'll be much help anyways. With every sharp movement I make hurts my head like hell. I'll be good," I explain making him just hesitate but he finally sighs and nods, finally convinced I won't be doing anything but it doesn't make him leave. Instead he stares at my billboard, the missing photo obvious to someone who visits my office so often. Before he even gets a chance to ask about it somebody calls him back into the offices luckily, making him hesitate but he nods to me, leaving my office to answer to Diction who holds up some files to him. I stare after him, dreading when he walks back in and asks about it, but I turn back away towards the computer opening the email to see Sark's thank you and good work. Well at least I actually got my work done in time today, if not early. Plus I got complimented for it. I'm on a roll, which means I can likely do awesome at games tonight.

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