Part 3 - Protect the Stone

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~Chilled's POV~

Thinking about somebody just doing this for the pleasure of money makes my stomach turn, feeling myself get sick with the thought of the criminals. I guess my hatred for criminals runs strong, although it's to be expected to come from a detective of all occupations. I confirm there are four windows in the front the thief can climb up to when someone isn't looking along with a sewer plate on the ground in front of the wall, a potential way to climb up through the basement of the museum. The security stares at me strangely as I approach the alleyway by the museum but they allow me entrance when I show them my badge, opening the small gate for me.

"Have you seen anything strange today? Anyone who seemed suspicious?" I ask the security guard who immediately tenses up as if I'm interrogating him for being a bad guy. Security guards may be used to the simple petty theft crimes and even trespassing crimes but they aren't used to the regular crimes police and detectives have to work with, plus security don't communicate with detectives as often as police do so it's normal for him to be so uptight.

"Just the typical day sir. No one in particular suspicious, sorry sir," he stutters but I just smile and shake my head.

"It's fine, just what I expected. Will you be here at late night?"

"N-No sir, I just have the morning and afternoon shift."

"Would you mind showing me the list of who will guard the night?" I ask and he immediately nods, glancing around quickly probably hesitant to leave his post but eventually enters the building to fetch the list. When he leaves I glance around the side, strangely as clean and grand as the front compared to the building beside it which is dirty and not caring at all about the side. Pulling out my small notepad I jot down the notes I had about the front while also jotting down there is also a sewer tray here and a metal door he'll likely not be able to go through without the proper keycard. The security guard returns, handing me the paper he must have written down the names of the night shift guards before wishing me luck as I leave to the back. Glancing over the back it isn't much of a sight as the front but just a blank back with no windows or anything really, it's be impossible to go through from the back. Before I could check out the other side my phone begins to ring, annoying me a bit but I answer it without looking to see who it is.

"Hey Anthony, I'm in town right now if you want to go and do something. Or are you busy with work?" Jess's voice echoes through the phone and I immediately sigh in disappointment. She's only in town every once in a while so we only hang out every once in a while, but I usually boom through work to hang out with her on those days.

"Sorry Jess, I have really important work right now through midnight."

"Oh, really? Well I guess I'll just call Cathy and Adam if they're free. Don't worry about it too much, I know how important your work is. Love you," Jess explains, completely fine with it from her tone. It makes me feel a bit empty but I smile anyways although I know she can't see it.

"I'll see you," I say before hanging up the phone, deeply hoping I will be seeing her. Staring at the phone I sigh before digging it back into my pocket and glancing around me at the other side, after explaining to the security here I have a badge on me. Glancing around it's nearly the exact same design as the other side, windowless and a door but no sewer plates. It's kind of sad this building is stuck right in between two others so it can't quite have windows anywhere but the front. I nod to the security before leaving the side to see the front where I notice Gassy and Sark discussing in front of the building. Gassy notices me and calls me over, taking my notes and handing them to Sark.

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