Part 2 - SeaNanners

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~Nanners' POV~

"Tada! How do you like it?" Cathy asks, dramatically waving her hands and shaking her hands with the presentation of the living room of our house. Her cute presentation makes me smile but I have to resist the temptation to immediately pull her into an embrace as I glance over the small living room, consisting of large but comfy looking leather couches and several portraits and decorations complimenting the living room from every corner. I was never one for fashion but the excitement she shows on her expression as she presents it to me as if I hadn't seen her buy all of these decorations in the first place makes me really want to just pick her up and carry her to the bedroom right now.

"It's beautiful sweety, you did an amazing job," I announce, pulling her in and pressing my lips against the top of her head, making her wrap her arms around my waist tightly, digging her small head into my chest. I laugh at this clear display of affection and pat her head casually with my hand, messing her hair a little bit along the way. Sadly enough I have to pull away from her and walk around the furniture, pulling out the laptop I had lying on the living room table, searching through the different pages until I find the city page, an entire map of the city glowing on the screen. Cathy says from behind me that she's already going to sleep and as much as I feel enticed to follow her I observe the lines on the glowing screen with deep focus, the blueprint practically sketched into my mind now.

It's actually pretty lucky Cathy is friends with Jess, whose boyfriend happens to be a high rate detective from downtown. My observations on him helped me get a basic understanding of just how the detectives are down here, although I'm aware they could all be different most detectives and law enforcement from the same company typically run the same. Memories of the little guy begin to surface and I find myself chuckling into my hands, his clear image brought back up in my mind but mostly those wide dark eyes that changed emotion so easily. He was cute. Especially his reactions to whenever he noticed me staring at him, with every line I spoke to him he seemed to have a complete line of thinking seriously on what I had said then ends up even more curious. Before I knew it I'm smiling like a madman just remembering the kid, happily speaking and clinging onto his girlfriend. It's clear who is the one wearing the pants in their relationship, but Jess seems fine with it although most girls make it so they want to be the ones being lead, not to be biased or sexist.

Feeling a bit tired looking at the computer screen I rub my hands over my face, trying to rub the image of Chilled out of my mind for now although he wants to stick in there. Jesus, I guess this is the aftermath after allowing myself to grow to like him and not doing anything about it, or maybe just payback for bullying him most of the meeting. Finally I just lean back and hold my hand at my forehead, feeling a pain begin to start under my fingertips. A headache is to be expected after just moving here and hurrying to get everything together along with going out to some weird dinner date Cathy had somehow convinced me to go to despite not really wanting to go to. I'm a bit glad I went though, having met the cute Italian. It was a good chance to meet a detective anyways, and maybe I'll gain some trust with the law enforcement through Chilled. The thought makes me smirk deviously, a small bit of excitement beginning to rumble underneath my chest. New town, new house, new plans, new adventures, new people, new friends, new enemies, new suspicions, new fun.

"I present to you what we call the 'Broken Armoire', a very beautiful piece which represents the feminine styles and beauty of a woman. This painting was created by the talented Dexter Manning who, in fact, is in this museum today to witness his own painting get a new owner after having travelled long and far. The last time it was purchased for over sixteen million American dollars, very impressive for an impressive piece as this one. Moving along we have the 'Stone of Wonder', a beautifully sculpted stone which embraces this wonderfully sorted pool of colors which represents..." The man continually speaks of every detail but at this point I only feel the need to yawn and wish these things could become more entertaining rather than these bores. Glancing around I note there are mainly many fancies dressed people along with older people who must have a large amount of money left from retirement. Slowly, I separate from the crowd and return to Manning's painting, a very unique assortment of colors I honestly hadn't expected from Manning.

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