Part 14 - Lies

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~Chilled's POV~

"Oh Chilled did you come without anyone seeing you?" Sark asks as I enter the normal Nanners room with papers and pictures set up everywhere. Glancing over to him I step over to him and put down the hood I had on to stop anybody from recognizing me. Sark said to even hide from the cops in particular, although I can't hide it from any of the detectives since they are all supposed to know. Basically Smarty and Galm have no clue about it so whenever I see them I basically duck my head in shame and move on. They're probably furious at me by now because I've been avoiding them for the sole purpose of disliking the idea of lying towards them.

"Yeah, no one noticed me. What's that?"

"Our main suspect," Sark announces slamming his hand on the board only being a black cloth on the board. I blink and cock my head to the left in curiosity and step up to him and try to take the cloth off. He swats my hand immediately away before I get a chance to reveal the big mystery and lectures me. "We have to wait for everyone to reveal, it wouldn't be so fair for only you to know. Its a surprise," Sark complains and lectures me seeming upset with me. Although he is technically the boss of the entire place he is in actuality quite childish. The door opens once again and both Ze and Gassy come in again, speaking with each other like normally and when he spots me, Gassy heads over to me.

"You ready for the move in tomorrow? You get all your things ready?" he questions and I immediately nod although feeling a bit hesitant. Tomorrow marks a week since I've been "fired" so I'll be going to live in Gassy's place. Sark believes this will make Nanners upset and perhaps even angry but we all know one thing: he will target that upsetness towards Gassy. This is where Gassy's job comes in and has to keep a close eye on those around him who suddenly change and become angrier or something of the sort. Though I am a bit worried about Adam because he tends to get jealous and I know it, even if he refuses to be with me and insists in staying with Cathy while desperately wanting me as a friend. It's been a week since my confession and it has all been the same, we'd go out to dinner a couple of times, he would stay over at my house whenever Cathy was acting up, and I would be full on trying to get him to think about me as much as possible. It may be too late to aim for the role as his boyfriend because Cathy is still here but I will try to make him as happy as I can, and I know this will make him upset considering his multiple invitations to live with him if I couldn't find a job. Suddenly completely going to a different man's house to stay at is unfair of me to do.

Sark asked all of the detectives to gather here today, including me so 's he still includes me with the family. This made my worries and anxiety from before completely disspate when I realized I just have shitty luck when it comes to just being in the way. If I hadn't been the one in the first job all of this would have never happened and made everything complicated. Eventually the room becomes fuller and fuller until our full team is here, several experts in particular areas standing around along with data collectors and peace makers like Ze, Gassy, and me. When all of us arrive inside Sark beging the meeting, sitting us all around a large table and he go a explaining everything. For those who didn't realize he began the process of my being fired being completely faked then begins to explain all of the purposes behind everything, things Gassy and I got full detail on. We're only informing everybody since Nanners is a large target now, even the state government is beginning to take notice at the commotion this one thief is causing even if he hasn't murdered a single being yet. The only moment I'm waiting for is the moment he rises and reaches out for the black cloth. The main suspect had been composed from my list, the "hidden" list not filed anywhere in the database but on actual paper along with observations I made on everybody.

"And here we have our primary suspect...s," Sark announces pulling down the cloth and revealing several suspects under the spot we all assumed to be a single portrait. Glancing over the portraits I sigh, noticing Adam's photograph right away taken by yours truly. Gassy is also surprisingly among the portraits along with several others I recognize including family and cops. Other than Gassy, however, there is not a single other detective among them. Everyone begins to talk to each other and questioning the amount of suspects, 8 in total including the people I most care about like Adam and both Smarty and Galm.

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