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(real world, not the book, its not Mina anymore)

"Was dat a true story, Mommy?" The little girl looked up at her mother who placed the book on the bedside table. "Of course it was, Yeji." Her mother smiled down at her, fixing her blanket.

"Is not a coin-cidance? 'Jennie' and 'Taehyung' is common, right?" She asked once again, hugging her stuffed bear tighter. "But what about the other names? Lisa? Jungkook? And Jimin and Rosé? That must be a pretty big coincidence then." Jennie raised her brows at her daughter.

The three year-old girl, Yeji, pouted, thinking about what her mother said. "You can even ask your father about it." Yeji's eyes lit up and she nodded vigorously. "Yes pwease!" She grinned. Jennie chuckled at her little daughter.

"Taehyung! Honey!" She called. A few seconds later, a tall man came in and grinned at the sight of his two girls. He sat down at the edge of the bed beside his beloved wife and hugged her. "What is it?" Yeji got out of her blanket.

"Is dat true, Daddy?" She pointed at the brown leather book on her bedside table. Taehyung knitted his eyebrows together, picking it up. He flipped through the pages and grinned. "Yeah, this all happened. It's true." Taehyung stated, placing it back on its spot.

Yeji widened her eyes. "Reary (really)?" She covered her mouth dropping Mr. Snufffkins on her bed. Jennie, her mother, nodded. Taehyung sighed, reminiscing what happened. "It was five years ago, but I still remember every single detail." He smiled.

Yeji gaped. "I wasn't born!" She grabbed her chubby cheeks that she inherited from her mother. Jennie grinned at her. "Mhm." Her mother reached out fixing her hair that was all over the place. "But why was I not alive den?" Yeji pouted, tilting her head.

"Well, me and your mother were together for a year. Then I proposed to her, and a few weeks after our wedding, we had you." Taehyung caressed his daughter's cheeks. Yeji made an 'O' shape on her mouth, nodding. Jennie sighed, looking off into the distance. "I still remember Eomma and Appa's face when I brought you guys there." She giggled.



I fiddled with the end of my dress, biting my lips. Taehyung held my hand and gave a warm smile. "Why are you so nervous, Jennie?" Jisoo unnie placed her left hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, I don't know, unnie! It's not everyday you go to your parents with a bunch of random people telling them that they're fairytale characters, you know?" I said that all in one breath. Jisoo unnie opened her mouth to say something but was cut off when someone opened the door.

"Jennie!" It was my Eomma. She hugged me, not caring about the other people behind me. "Who was-?" My dad went outside as well and immediately teared up. "Nini!" We did a family group hug. A few minutes later, they pulled away and knitted their eyes at the sight behind me.

"Um.. who are these people, Jen?" My appa asked. Taking a deep breath, I explained everything. With the help of the other of course. After that long summary, my parents were in shock. They were frozen. Jaws hanging to the ground.

I gave a pitiful smile and tilted my head, fiddling with my fingers. "So um.." Clearing my throat, I bit my lip. Soon after, my parents went back to normal. "Hang on, these are from Enchantasia?" My mother grabbed her head. I nodded.

"The book which I used to read to you as a kid?" She asked again. "Mhm.." I smiled. "How are they he-?" My dad was cut off when my mom smacked his arm. "They already explained it!" She rolled her eyes.

.ೃ࿐FAIRYTALE | TaeNnieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora