13. Memory 💧

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Young Wendy ⬆️




"Seungwan! Come back here!" I chased after my little sister, trying to grab her. "Ha ha, catch me if you can, unnie!" she laughed and kept on running.

"Come on! It's almost the Nebulous hour!!" I shouted. I stopped running as I was slowly running out of breath. "Woah.. unnie?"

I looked over at Seungwan and saw that she stopped running as well, but looking at the sky.

Tiptoeing, I grabbed both of her shoulders. "Gotcha!" I snickered. Seungwan stayed silent still looking up. Curious, I looked up as well, seeing the Wishing Stars.

"What are those?" she asked pointing a finger. "Those are called Wishing Stars," I answered. "Close your eyes, make a wish, but don't tell anyone," I told her.

Seungwan closed her eyes and so did I.

A few minutes passed, and she finally opened her eyes. "What did you wish for, unnie?" she asked, looking up at me with her curious eyes.

"I'm not telling you, silly" I chuckled and messed up her hair. Pouting, she crossed her arms. "Why not?"

"Because I'm older than you," I reminded her. "By how much?" she lowered her arms. "I'm eight, you're five," I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Oh... well," she started running again. "Whoever's last to the castle is a rotten egg!" she shouted, looking back at me.

"Seungwan! Come back here!" I shouted running after her.



A tear escaped my eye as I remembered that memory. That memory when everything was normal. When I was originally supposed to be queen.

It was her fault. Baekhyun was supposed to be mine. If it wasn't for those fvcking fairies and their fvcking lust potion...


She wouldn't have drank that potion...


She wouldn't have gotten pregnant.


What did you wish for?

What? Who said that?

I immediately opened my eyes and sat up. Seeing a sleeping Chae on my left. Then a snoring Jungkook on my right.

"Cute," I muttered and admired his face.

He was muttering something. Something I didn't quite hear. Shrugging it off, I laid back down and tried to sleep.

The sound of Jungkook's snores was the only thing I could hear. He must be having a sweet dream...

After a long silence, I sat up and decided to go outside.

The cold Enchantasia air hugged around my skin. I placed my hands over my torso, trying to cover up as much skin as possible. Shuddering at the touch, I noticed that Jisoo unnie's tent was ajar.

Curious, I walked toward her tent still trying to cover myself from the cold. My finger almost touched the tent to open it when...

Can I kiss you?


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