Chapter 12

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The rest of the weekend passes quickly. Monday morning before I even fully wake up I feel irritable. I barely slept last night. 

"Today's not going to be a good day," I mutter as I push off my covers. I climb out of bed and head over to my dresser. I pull out black skinny jeans and a black long sleeve. Before leaving my room I change and throw on my all black converse. I check my computer for the weather and it's supposed to be cold today so I also grab my black jacket. Now dressed I grab my backpack, headphones, keys and phone. I go into the kitchen and make a bowl of cereal. After eating I leave my house and walk to school. While walking I listen to 'Kill Everyone' by Hollywood Undead. When I get to school I make my way to my first class. 

"Good morning Virgil," Mr. Barnes says when I walk in. 

"Morning," I mumble. 

"Rough morning?" he asks. 

"Didn't sleep. It's not going to be a good day today," I tell him. 

"Oh I see. I get like that sometimes. Go ahead and have a seat," he says. I thank him and sit in my seat.

A couple minutes pass when I have to take a deep breath. Since I got here early class doesn't start for another ten minutes. While waiting for class to start I listen to music and read a book. It's a book that Britney lent me. It's some BL novel. She's obsessed with that stuff. Since I like reading she gave me the first book and told me to see if I liked it. A few minutes pass of me reading when someone hesitantly taps my shoulder with something. I look up to see Roman with a small smile. My mood immediately picks up a little bit. I pull off my headphones and place the bookmark in the book. 

"Hey baby. You seem out of it. Are you okay?" he asks. 

"I'm fine," I tell him. He nods in understanding and asks what I'm reading. I explain to him about the book and he just nods along. 

"Sounds interesting. Do you like it?" he asks. 

"Yeah. It's pretty good so far. I think my favorite character is the main character."

Class starts and I do my best to focus. When it ends I make my way to second period. 

"Hey... You seem to be in a bit of a mood," Ethan says when he sees me. 

"Yeah," is all I respond with. After second and third period I meet up with Caleb for fourth period. 

"Hey!" Caleb says with a smile. 

"Hey," I say back. Caleb observes me for a moment. 

Finally he asks, "One of those days?" 

I nod and he understands that I'm not really in a talkative mood. After Art we head to lunch. 

"Shit," I say to myself. 

"Everything okay Virge? You're not eating?" Patton points out. 

"Not hungry," I lie. Ethan looks up from his food when I say that. I'm not one to lie but I don't want anyone to worry just because my dumbass forgot to bring my lunch. 

"Hey Virge!" Britney says excitedly. "How are you liking the book?" she asks. 

"It's good so far," I tell her. 

"What book are you reading?" Logan asks.

I tell him the name and he says that he's never read it. 

"Oh I don't know if you'd like these books," Britney says with embarrassment. She continues to talk to Logan while I zone out. While zoning out I sense a familiar soul not far from me. It's Joey. Good thing I brought the notebooks today to give back to him. 

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