Chapter 17

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Ethan's POV

I've been living with Virgil for over two weeks now. It's been great but it's time for me to move back home. My mom finally decided she wanted a fresh start and left the house to me and my dad. 

"It'll be so lonely without you here," Virgil says as we chill in his living room. We got back from school a couple hours ago. 

"Oh I'll still be coming over like all the time," I tell him. He chuckles and asks if I want to play some COD. I nod and grab one of the controllers. He sets up the game and we start playing. About an hour passes by when my dad calls me. We have a short conversation. 

"What's up?" Virgil asks when I hang up. 

"My brother came home. Apparently he heard what happened with my mom. He wanted to see if me and my dad were okay," I tell him. 

"I think I'm gonna head home," I add. 

"I'll see you later," he tells me and I nod.

I leave his house with my stuff and head home. As soon as I get home I see my brother's car in the driveway. I can already see Adam's mellow soul. I can't help the burst of excitement in seeing him. It's been quite a few months since he visited last. I get out of my car and head to the front door. I haven't been home in over two weeks but it feels like no time has passed as I unlock the door. 

"Hey little brother," Adam greets me as he wraps an arm around my shoulder. 

"Hey," I say smiling. We walk over to the couch and we sit down. 

"So," he starts, "When do I get to meet this boyfriend of yours?" I chuckle. 

"Depends. How long you staying for?" I ask him.

 "A few days. That's all I could get off work," he tells me.

"Well tomorrow's Saturday so I can bring him around tomorrow if you'd like," I say and he nods. 

"I'd like that. Also I'd like to meet this Virgil kid. You said he has Soul Search, can't believe we're calling it that, but I want to meet him. Actually I'd like to meet any of your new friends that you can't stop talking about," he says. 

"It's because I found friends who aren't assholes and accept me for who I am," I tell him. 

"I see. Well I'm happy for you little brother. Why don't you just invite your friend group over? I'll buy pizza for dinner yeah?" he tells me. 

"I'll text the group chat and see who can come," I say pulling out my phone. I text the group chat and then wait for the replies. After ten minutes of me talking to my brother my phone goes off with a bunch of dings.

I check my phone to see that Logan, Roman, Patton, Virgil, Darren and Caleb are all coming tomorrow. "Sweet. Everyone's coming," I say to my brother. "Good. Want to watch something?" he asks just as my phone starts ringing. I glance at it to see it's Caleb. "Yeah. Give me a minute," I tell him. He nods and turns on the TV. I walk into the kitchen and answer the phone.

Ethan: Hey baby.

Caleb: *sniffles* Hey.

Ethan: What's wrong?

Caleb: I'm watching a show and this scene made me cry.

Ethan: You scared me for a minute there. Anyways I was just about to watch something with Adam.

Caleb: Okay. I just wanted to call you and tell you I love you. I wanted you to hear it in my voice.

Ethan: *smiles softly* I love you too. I'll see you tomorrow. Watch something happier.

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