Chapter 9

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"Alright. I'll come over later," Ethan tells Caleb. He then kisses him softly. 

"Come on lover boy," I say grabbing his arm. Caleb smiles at us and walks off. 

"What's up?" Ethan asks me. 

"I want to talk to Joey to see if he knows anymore about Soul Search but I don't want to do it alone. In case he tries something stupid," I explain to him. We walk down the hallway towards where Joey's soul is. We find him in front of his locker with a bored look on his face. He closes his locker and turns around. He smirks when he sees us. 

"Hey there," he says. 

"I wanted to ask you-" I start to say but he cuts me off. 

"About Soul Reader yes? Figured as much so I brought you these," he says pulling out three notebooks. 

"Allison wrote them. They have everything she experienced written down in them. Her mom gave them to me. Probably because I was the only other one who believed her," he explains with a small smile.

"You can read them but then I want them back. They're one of the few things I have left of her," he adds. 

"How did she die? Allison I mean?" Ethan asks softly. 

"Cancer. She was 16," Joey says with a rare sadness. He covers it up quickly though. 

"Her mom just gave you these?" Ethan asks as he grabs one of the notebooks and skims through it. 

"Her mom moved away after Allison died but gave me a few of Ally's things first. Those notebooks are one of the few things," he explains. 

"Thank you. I'll take care of them and then give them back," I tell him. He nods and walks away. I grab the notebook from Ethan and put them in my bag. I turn to look at Ethan but I sense Roman's soul at the end of the hallway. 

"Thanks for helping me," I tell Ethan. 

"Sure thing man," he says and walks away. I turn towards the direction of Roman and see him talking to some girl.

Roman looks up and smiles brightly when he sees me. He says something to the girl and then walks towards me. 

"Hey baby," he says when he reaches me. 

"Hey," I say grabbing his hand. We walk out of school together. 

"I'll see you later," I tell him when we get outside. 

"See you later," he says and kisses me. We part ways and I make my way home. When I get home I see my mom's car outside. I walk up the path and unlock my door. Then I walk inside. 

"Mom, do you have a minute?" I call out into the house. 

"Of course honey," she says from the kitchen. 

"What are you doing?" I ask her. She's standing in front of the stove. She has her phone in one hand and a big spoon in the other. 

"Making spaghetti!" she says happily. 

"Ah. How's that going?" I ask as I glance at her phone. She's watching a YouTube video on how to make spaghetti.

"So what did you want to talk about?" she asks me. I tell her what happened with the car accident. Then I tell her how I helped that woman calm down. 

"That's amazing sweetie," she tells me. 

"It felt good to help someone. I think it's something I want to do again," I tell her. 

"That's great honey! What were you thinking of doing?" she asks as she turns to me. 

"Well I'm not exactly sure but I think being a nurse would be a good direction to go in. That or an EMT," I say, leaning against the counter. 

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