Chapter 15

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(A/N: I've been wanting to do a few chapters in Ethan's POV so here it is. Also the last chapter has been fixed. It wasn't supposed to be the end.)


Ethan's POV

I wake up early as always. The first thing I do is get a shower. I gather my clothes and head into my connected bathroom. When I'm done I get dressed and gather everything I need for school. With a deep breath I open my door and step into the second floor hallway. I walk to the stairs and glance over the balcony. I see my dad asleep on the couch. He's been there since the fight with my mom. I finally walk downstairs. As I reach the bottom step I hear a groan from my dad as he sits up. 

"Morning dad," I say softly. He looks up and at me. 

"Morning son," he tells me with a smile but it's tired. I can see his soul is in turmoil. I walk over to the couch and sit next to him. 

"Does mom still want me to leave?" I ask him. He gets a look of pain on his face. 

"I won't let her kick you out. She'll have to leave herself before I let that happen," he tells me.

"I've been thinking that maybe I should leave," I say with determination. 

"What? Where?" he asks. 

"I'm not sure but I don't want you and mom fighting over me," I tell him. 

"I understand that son but this is about her wanting to abandon her own son over something so trivial," he tells me. 

"It's not trivial dad. Mom has her beliefs but I love Caleb. I won't force her to accept me even though I want that more than anything," I tell him. He nods and I can see he somewhat understands. 

"That Caleb boy seems like a good kid. As long as he makes you happy. I'm happy," he says. I pull out my phone to check the time. 

"I'm off to school. I'm meeting up with my friends," I say and stand up. 

"Have a good day," he tells me and I nod.

I leave my house and walk over to my car. Then I climb in and start it up. First I turn on my music and start my drive to school. When I reach the school I park in student parking. Once I'm parked I head to the front of the school where my friends are waiting for me. 

"Hi," Caleb says hugging me. 

"Missed me?" I ask him. He smiles shyly and nods. 

"I missed you too baby," I say kissing his cheek. 

"Morning everyone," I tell the others who I've ignored through my interaction with Caleb. 

"He does remember us," Virgil jokes. 

"How could I forget my best friends?" I ask and Virgil rolls his eyes with a smile. 

"I don't know E. If Caleb was butt naked I'm sure you'd forget to breathe let alone your best friends," Virgil whispers just loud enough for me to hear.

It's my turn to roll my eyes but I laugh anyways. 

"Are you coming over after school?" Caleb asks into my chest. 

"Of course," I tell him. He looks up at me with smile. Then he stands up on his tippy toes to kiss me. Something he has to do when I stand at full height. I love that he's shorter than me. I look up right when he's about to kiss me. He whines adorably so I lean down to kiss him. 

"They're too cute," I hear Roman say. 

"Pfft. We're way cuter," is Virgil's response. Caleb pulls away and giggles. One of the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard. 

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