Chapter 10

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After school I make my way to the front of school. When I see Roman I make my way over to him. He's with Darren. I sneak up behind him. I cover his eyes from behind and tell him to guess who. 

"Hmm. It's either my adorable boyfriend or the cold hands of death?" he jokes. 

"Death," I tell him. He laughs and turns to look at me. My arms wrap around his shoulders. 

"Who knew death was so hot?" he points out. 

"Aww. Just for that I'll let you off the hook," I say smiling. 

"How can you two be so... adorable but so cringe worthy?" Darren asks us. I unwrap my arms from Roman and turn to Darren. Roman wraps his arms around me from behind. 

"Your face is cringe worthy," I say smirking at him. 

"Real mature," Darren says but laughs nonetheless. I turn back to look at Roman again. 

"Come back to my place?" I ask him. He takes a second to think and then nods. Our other friends arrive and we start to say our goodbyes. Before we leave Caleb gets our attention.

"Do you guys want to come to my house tomorrow?" Caleb asks everyone. "My parents want to meet my friends," he adds sheepishly. 

"We'd love to," Patton says. Everyone agrees. Finally I start the walk back to my house with Roman. We reach my house after a five minute walk. When we arrive I don't see my moms car outside so I assume she must be gone. 

"Mom?" I call into the house. No reply. 

"She must be at work," I say to myself. I lead Roman through my house to my bedroom. We walk inside my room and I close my door. Roman puts down his bag and takes a seat on my bed. After a second I put down my own bag and walk over to him. As soon as I'm close enough he reaches out and grabs my waist. 

"Shall we finish what we started earlier?" He asks. I smile and stand between his legs. 

"Absolutely," I say as I lean down to kiss him softly.

My hands cup his face as I slowly kiss him. He tries to speed up so I pull away just a little bit. 

"Slow down. I want to try something," I tell him. He nods and I lean in to kiss him softly again. Slowly I deepen our kiss. During our kiss I move to sit on his lap, straddling him. After a second of our tongues fighting for dominance I pull back. As I pull back I take his bottom lip in between my teeth, pulling gently. He moans lowly at the action. I decide right then I love hearing that sound. I softly kiss him again. Finally I move my lips to the side of his mouth. I kiss his jaw and work my way down, leaving soft kisses the whole way. When I reach his neck I start sucking. He moans again.

Right now my arms are wrapped around his shoulders. I unwrap my arms and push him back to where he's laying on the bed. This gives me easier access to his neck. I leave a couple hickeys on his lower neck and shoulder blades before going back to kissing his lips. When I get back to his lips he rolls us over so that he's on top of me. His hand finds its way in mine and our fingers intertwine. He's kissing me just as softly as our bodies push together. His kisses drive me insane. He finally pulls away after a few minutes of us making out. He stares into my eyes for a long second. 

"I love you," he tells me. A smile forms on my face. I already knew that but hearing him finally say it is something else. 

"I love you too," I tell him in return. The smile he gives me takes my breath away. "I really do love you so much," I say again as I caress his cheek. I focus on his soul and right behind his aura I see a smaller one that matches mine. When I focus on my own soul I see a smaller aura that matches his. 

I Can See Two - Sanders SidesWhere stories live. Discover now