Chapter 11

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Another week passes and I'm finally able to leave the hospital. While in the hospital I finished reading the notebooks Joey lent me. I also did most of the homework I missed the past few weeks. The day I get home my family and friends throw a welcome home party for me. The party is great. Everyone leaves at the end of the day and my mom has to go to work so I head to Roman's house. I already asked my mom and she gave me the go ahead to spend the night since it's the weekend. I'm currently laying with him in his room. He fell asleep around half an hour ago. I close my eyes but I feel him stir next to me. 

"N-No," he says in his sleep. 

"Roman," I say and shake his shoulder. 

"No!" he says as he shoots up. He looks at me and instantly calms down. 

"I'm sorry. I just still can't get the image of you laying in the street out of my head. I've been having nightmares every few days since then," he tells me after I ask what his dream was about. "I was so afraid you'd never wake up," he tells me.

"Hey. I'm here though. I'm right here," I say as I grab his hand and place it on my chest. 

"I'm not going anywhere either. I'll be with you forever," I say and lean in to kiss him. He kisses me back and pulls me closer. 

"Promise?" he asks. I look him in the eye and smile softly. 

"I promise," I say and lean in to kiss him again. I climb into his lap and he hugs me. Our lips find each other again. We make out for a minute and I realize our souls are dark pink. 

"I want you," I say barely audible. He looks at me surprised. I myself am surprised that I said that. Of course I meant it but I didn't mean to just come right out and say it. He glances over at his drawer and then back at me. When he does his soul becomes embarrassed. 

"We don't have to if you don't want to," I tell him when he doesn't respond. 

"I want to," he says and kisses me softly. I smile into our kiss.

"Hey Princey are you- Oh. My bad," Carter says as he bursts into the room. Roman and I are both shirtless, laying on the bed making out. "Well, well, well look at you two getting all lovey," Carter says while leaning against the doorway. Roman quickly sits up and grabs his t-shirt. 

"Hi Carter," I say as I grab my own shirt. 

"Hiya Virgil. Having fun?" he asks me. 

"We were until you barged in," I tell him. He laughs and apologizes again. 

"I thought you were out with mom and dad," Roman says annoyed. 

"I ended up not going. Anyways I just came to see if you wanted to watch a movie but I can see you're busy," Carter says with a smirk. I glance at Roman and he asks if I want to. 

"A movie sounds nice," I tell him. He smiles at me and grabs my hand. We follow Carter downstairs. He already has Netflix set up and it's set on the Final Destination movie.

"I've got a major love hate relationship with these movies," I tell Carter and Roman. 

"Why's that?" Carter asks. 

"Cause they're good movies but like the deaths fuck with your head," I tell him. He laughs and says he agrees. Roman sits on one of the couches and I sit next to him. Carter goes into the kitchen and comes back a minute later with popcorn. He starts the movie. We spend the rest of the night watching stuff until I glance at the clock. 

"Holy shit. It's 1am," I say with a yawn. 

"Let's head to bed," Roman suggests. 

"Night lovebirds. Remember I'm in the house," Carter says as we head upstairs. Roman's soul gets embarrassed but he just mumbles for Carter to shut up. I laugh lightly. When we get to Roman's room I climb into the bed and lay down. He climbs in next to me and snuggles close.

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