Chapter 10

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** Reeces POV **

"What the hell do you mean you can't find her?!" I yelled at te guy in front of me, who looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

"W-we just can't find any record of her anywhere"

I sighed before turning to my best mate and second in command, Dylan.

"This true?" I asked him

"Yeah dude, it's like she doesn't exist" he seemed just as perplexed as I was

I sighed, running a hand through my hair before turning to Dylan with a smirk

"Well it looks like I'll just have to ask little Niki myself"

I grabbed my keys before jumping on my bike and speeding down the dirt road.

** Nikita's POV **

"Louis?" I placed my hand on his cheek forcing him to look at me "What is it?"

He fidgeted with his keys before looking me directly in the eyes, not in an intimidating way. It was almost, pleading..

"My name is uh- Louis U-Umsworth" he mumbled

I shot out of my seat like he just set my butt on fire "Wha-what did you just say?"

Louis started rambling apologies but I couldn't concentrate. Umsworth.. Umsworth. The name that haunted my family, after that night..


I gripped Hunters hand and tightened my grip around Ashleys tiny waist as a man entered the room. He sat down on a chair infront of us.

"Hello, my name is Rob Umsworth" He held out his hand to me but I just glared at him. I could tell a fake when I saw one. He leant back in his chair looking me over before his eyes traveled to Ashley. Instinctivly, I pulled her tiny frame closer to mine. He noticed and smirked.

"Here's the thing, your parents were monsters. They deserved to die and now it's my job to make sure you three grow  up better than they did"

Hunter wrapped his arm around my waist, pullling me closer. "Hey, it's alright as long as we're all together we'll be fine"

Robs smile turned cold "You see, thats the thing" his beady eyes narrowed in on me and Hunter "I can see they have already corrupted you little ferrals but little Ashley there is still innocent and I intend to keep her that way.. by taking her away from you"

As soon as he'd finished speaking the door opened and a barbie doll walked in, well not literally but she had that vibe about her, blonde hair, red lipstick and disguisting clothes. She gave me and Hunter disguisted looks before snatching Ashley roughly from my grasp and leaving the room.

Hunter ran at the door but Rob grabbed the back of his shirt and threw him back. He turned his gaze to me "Sit there like a good little bitch while I finish up your bro-" he was cut off but hunter jumping him.

"Hunter!" I cried out as he reigned punches out on Robs face. "Get Ashley!!" He yelled at me. With one last glance at Hunter I ran out the door. As I ran down the corridor I ran into Ashley, who had somehow managed to get away from the barbie. I grabbed her hand and together we ran out of the police station.

"Where are you going to go!?" I turned around to see the barbie glaring at me "Give me back my daughter"

My glare intensified and I took three steps towards her before slapping her across the face. Hard. I was about to go all hulk on her when my uncle pulled up beside us in his car. "Jump in!" he yelled. Ashley and I climbed in and a moment later Hunter joined us.

"Where are we gonna go?" I asked my uncle who sighed, not taking his eyes of the road.

"You can't stay with me, they'll find you. I'm going to teach you how to fight and you have to be gone by the weekend. I am sorry kids but never forget this, your parents were always trying to protect you because they love you. Don't bother with revenge, just keep Ashley safe"


"Niki? A-are you ok?" I snapped out of whatever trance I was in and looked him in the eye

"Are you helping him?" 

"No" he answered immediately "I came to warn you, he's coming to town tomorrow"

All the blood drained from my face "Wha-what?"

Please tell me I heard wrong.. please tell me I heard wrong.. please -

"He's coming to town tomorrow, to check on me. I wanted you to know, I work at the primary school and I recognised Ashley from the photos. Just so you know -"

He was cut of by the loud rumble of an engine outside the house. We both ran to the window to see Reece walking down the driveway. Uh -oh....

Quickly, Louis grabbed my hand "I just want you to know I will never be like him. You deserve to be free and I won't tell a soul about your family. You can count one me as a friend" He placed a swift kiss on my cheek before strolling out the door

I followed him and leant on the doorframe. I saw Louis and Reece exchange one of those boyish nods before Louis started his car and took of down the street.

"So.." I yurned to face Reece where he was standing "Want to explain why I can't find any records on you at all?"

Hmm.. How do I get out of this one?

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