Chapter 12

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Niki's POV:

Reece was gone.

It's been a week since that day on my porch and I haven't seen or heard from home since.

Is it weird that I kind of.. Miss him?

Anyway, I've been to distracted to think about it lately. Ashley had her parents night at her school a few days ago which she was really exited about, we thought she would ask about our parents but she just said "Your coming, that's final".

She must take after me!

I've also become an unofficial member of Reece's gang. I haven't spoken to Craig again but I don't have any info for him so I don't see a reason to.

Reece's second in command, Val has been training with me for the past week. He's nothing like Reece.

Val is calm, funny and charming, unlike Reece!

**Thursday 5:30pm**

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Drop!"

"Ugh!" I dropped face first onto the gym floor.

"Is this really necessary Val?" I asked, looking up at him

"Of course!" he replied with a smirk "If Reece or I tell you to drop, you don't want to wait a second before you do"

I rolled my eyes, wanting to slap that stupid smirk of his face

"yeah, yeah, help me up would you?"

Val gripped my hand, pulling me up to my feet, before he thrust a pair of boxing gloves into my hands.

"Let's have some fun, what do you say?" a devilish grin formed on my face



Half an hour later, we were circling each other in the ring. Both of us were dripping with sweat and I was positive I would have multiple bruises in the morning.

I swing at his head before ducking his return punch. I spun on my toes before delivering a solid punch to his gut.

He groaned, bending over slightly at the pain. I went to punch again but before I has the chance he put his leg behind mine and slammed his forearm into my chest. I fell on my back, feeling the wind leave my lungs.

"Give up yet?" he panted

I felt an adrenalin filled grin form on my face before I moved and kicked his legs out from underneath him.

He obviously wasn't expecting it, because he didn't maneuver his fall at all and landed right on his back.

As quickly as I could, I rolled over onto my toes and straddled his waist. I pinned his arms above his head and grinned cheekily down at him.

Before I could gloat about kicking his ass, I heard clapping coming from the front of the gym.

I stood up before spinning around to see three, well-built guys standing by the door. I recognized them from the day in the park. One of them was pale with spiky blonde hair an the other two were obviously twins. The twins both had brown hair which they spiked into mohawks and tanned skin.

Val stood up behind me and sling his arm over my shoulder

"What's up boys?" he called to them

The one with spiky blonde hair spoke up "We're going out, you wanna join?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Val open his mouth to decline but I bet him to it

"He'd love too"

Val looked at me questionably but I just shrugged. He needed a night out with the boys, all he'd done this week was train with me. I kind of felt bad.

I turned back to look at the boys.

"You guys mind giving me a ride home?" I asked

"Not at all, come on!" The twins replied simultaneously.. Creepy


3 hours later

I'm official bored out of my brains. Its 10 o'clock at night I'm currently sitting on the couch in my purple shawty shorts and a tank top, watching Spongebob.

Don't judge!

I heard the doorbell ring and realized it must be my pizza. Mmm, cheesy goodness awaits!!

I stood up, grabbing the money off the table and opened the door.

Well that is definitely NOT the pizza guy.

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