Chapter 6

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If it were possible to shit bricks, I'm pretty certain I'd be sitting on a building.

I followed Hunter slowly as we ascended a spiral staircase I hadn't noticed when we first walked in. The leader (who's nem I now know is Craig) pushed open a solid wooden door with raught iron paterning down the sides. He motioned for us to enter and we did so.

His eyes followed my every movement as I sat on the arm of a maroon leather couch. Running his hands through his stragley black hair he plonked down in his chair which said behin his timber desk.

"I have a proposition for you" I was about to reply but Hunter bet me to it

"What kind of proposition?"

"It's for Nikita" I shouldn't be suprised he knew my name really, but I was "I need you to go undercover in a rival gang -"

"No bloody way" Hunter cut in, looking pissed

"Please just hear me out" he pleaded, I stared into his eyes looking for something, I didn't know what I was looking for until I saw it, desperation.

I nodded, signialing for him to continue.

"The leader of the gang is named Reece. He took over a few weeks ago after his fathers passing, he's niki's age and rumour has it, he's planning on taking me out and combining the gangs"

He let out  a snort "because our gang is unstoppable when it comes to combat and his is full of pussies.. anyway, I had a man on the inside but he wasn't careful enough and got himslef killed"

He lifted his eyes from his hands which were entangled in his lap to study my face. Obviously looking for signs of fear.

Pfft! I don't do fear.

"I will pay you five grand to get me all the information I require, and can guarantee full safety and protection for both you and your brother"

Now it's my turn to speak.

"I will do as you propose" I saw his eyes light up as he opened his mouth to say something but I quickly cut him off.

"But I want the proection to be all for our sister Ashley. I'll get close to Reece so long as Ashley is kept completely out of it. She is not to know about any of this but, if something does go wrong and Hunter and I can't get out I want you to take Ashley to a safehouse and keep her there until either Hunter or I come and get her"

He seemed, almost happy at my request and nodded his head before rising from his chair and extending his hand towards me. I mimicked his motion but spat on my hand before shaking his. He let out a deep throaty chuckle as he held the door open for us.

"You know? I think I might grow to like you Nikita" I grinned in reponse before replying

"Feelings defenitely mutual Craig"

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