Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

I sighed as I gazed out the window. We were all used to the traveling by now but it was still exhausting. Hunter was driving while Ashley was fast asleep on the back seat. I felt my eyelids start to droop but I tried to stay awake.

 “Hey, it’s ok, you can sleep if you –“ 

That was all I heard before I was enclosed into the darkness. 

“Niki” I heard a faint voice say “Come on, we’re here” I sighed as I rolled over to observe the face of the person who had interrupted my sleep. It was Hunter, of course.

 “I was sleeping you know” I growled at him. 

“I know!” he replied cheerily giving me a lopsided grin. “But you’re awake now so let’s get crackin!” He clapped his hands together causing me to jump. He noticed and chuckled. He leaned inside the door pecking me on the forehead. “We’ve got a lot to do” he whispered before winking at me and walking towards the house we were parked outside of.

I knew exactly what he was implying. We had to get Ashley settled in her new school and then... The part I dreaded each time we moved to a new place; the first fight. 

Most people fight for the thrill, not us. We fought for cash, but people would only pay if they thought it would be a good show. That’s all they want is a good show. This is exactly why I make the most money. 

It’s sick if you ask me, men paying money expecting to see a teenage girl to get her head bashed in by the poor guy who dares get in the ring with me.

So that’s how it works. We move, get in the fight scene to make money, then move again before we get in to deep.

"Come on Niki!!" A little whining voice snapped me out of my daydream.

 "Huh? Oh yeah, coming!" I called back before picking up a large box and wandering up towards the house. Maybe we could stay here a bit longer.. I thought to myself, turning the small white door handle and entering our new home.

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