Chapter 13

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I stood up, grabbing the money off the table and opened the door.

Well that is definitely NOT the pizza guy.

Chapter 13:

An old man I recognized from the neighborhood stood on the front porch, and boy, did he look angry.

Wearing a pair of black pants, a shirt and tie he looked very out of place in such a casual little town.

My eyes drifted down from his angry red face to the small child stood next to him.


I felt rage boiling up inside me and clenched my fists in an attempt to calm myself down, I know I'm a bit over-protective, but this man had an unnecessarily tight grip on my little sisters arm.

I took a deep breath before speaking, slowly and calmly.

"Can I help you?" I asked. The man grabbed Ashley's arm and roughly threw her forward towards me. She stumbled forward and fell down to her knees. She looked up at me through tear filled eyes.

The fear in her eyes only served to make me more furious, but I had to stay calm. The last thing we needed was for this grumpy old man to call the police on us.

"My name is Les Davidson, I must speak to the parents of this child immediately, go fetch them for me" he spoke in an angry, pompous voice.

Oh how I wanted to smack him in the face...

With a chair..

Made of steel.

"Her father isn't home at this current moment, perhaps I can be of assistance Mr Davidson" I spoke clearly, looking him in the eye. I could tell he thought no more of me than he would a piece of dog crap on his precious suede shoes.

"And you are?" he sniffed at me.

I outstretched my hand to him, "Nikita, sir. I am this child's older sister". He seemed pleased by the fact that I addressed him as sir, by the way his eyes lit in delight.

What a pompous ass.

Still he shook my hand.

"I just need assurance that this child will be punished appropriately. Had she been any older she would have been arrested for destruction of property".

He paused, fixing he's tie.

"She destroyed some of my prize roses. I'm a forgiving man so I won't be pressing charges, so long as you punish that ungrateful child".

I held back an eye roll. I knew Ashley better than anyone, she would never harm a rose. Look at them yes, she has some kind of obsession with them. I don't know why but she just does.

"Sir, I can assure you that your wishes will be fulfilled and I apologize on behalf of my sister for her actions. Thank you for being so understanding".

With a curt nod, the man spun on his heel and with his nose in the air, strutted off down the street.

I looked down at ashley who was still sitting down on the porch just by my feet. I cocked an eyebrow

"Well wasn't he just a ray of sunshine?"

She giggled, nodding her head in agreement. I bent down picking my little sister up in my arms and wondered inside carrying her bridal style.

Plonking down on the couch, I grinned down at Ashley.

"You pick a movie and I'll get the snacks"


I slowly opened my eyes, glancing around in confusion. I finally realized I was on the couch in the lounge room. Looking at the DVD player, I saw that it was seven pm.

I slowly stood up and stretched. Feeling all stiff from sleeping in a weird position, Ashley was probably squashing me too.

Speaking of, where is the little monster?

I picked up the pile of blankets that we're piled up on the couch. Nope, she's not under there.

"I took her up to bed"

I let out a yelp, spinning around to where the voice came from. I glared at a smirking Hunter, leaning casually on the doorway.

"So nice of you to grace me with your presence brother" I said dryly. He just chuckled.

"Where've you been anyway?" I asked as I folded up the blankets, brushing past Hunter to place them back in the hallway cupboard.

"I got a job" I looked at hunter shocked. He'd only gotten a job a few times before because he got most of his money from street fights.

"You don't say? Where?" I asked, making my way into yhe kitchen for a snack. He scratched the back of his neck nervously, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

"It's down on Henry street, good pay and even better hours" he replied. I frowned up at him, he didn't answer my question.

"Where is it?" I pressed. Hunter looked down at his shoes, mumbling a response.

"What was that?"

"It's at Sammy's ice-cream parlor" he replied finally, looking embarrassed. It took a moment for what he said to sink in, and when it did,

I laughed.

And I don't mean just a giggle, I mean a full-blown hyena cackle.

I felt tears rolling down my cheeks as no more sound came out of my mouth I just stood there clapping my hands with my mouth wide open.

"Ca-can you hahaha! imagine!? B-big brave hahaha Hunter ser-serving" I couldn't even finish my sentence because I was gasping for breath.

"Guess who came into the shop today?" he asked, ignoring my desperate gasping for air.

"Wh-who?" I asked, still laughing like a mad woman.


My laughter stopped immediately after that word escaped his lips.


Reece is back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2013 ⏰

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