Chapter 9

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Hey everyone :)

Thanks for sticking with me on this one!! I'm not that great at writing this sort of stuff that you'll read in this chapter but I gave it my best shot. I'm always wanting to hear your thoughts so feel free to comment!! Love you all!! xx


I couldn't sleep. I just kept replaying what happened yesterday in the park over, and over in my head. Why would he do that?! It just doesn't make any sense.. However, that wasn't the main thing that was bothering me. If it had been anybody else they would currently be lying in a hospital bed. I ran my fingers through my chocolate brown hair which was currently representing a birds nest though I didn't care. All I could think was..

What makes Reece different?


Before I could even think over what was happening, Reece crashed his lips onto mine. It wasn't a rough kiss, hell, it wasn't even demanding. I felt a shock run through me having him so close to me. It was a gentle and in some strange way, meaningful kiss. Reece's left hand gripped my waist pulling me closer while his other hand found it's way up to my hair. I just stood there, to shocked to move.

He pulled back, and looked into my eyes and opened his mouth to say something but I didn't give him the chance before closing what space was left between us and crashing my lips onto his.

You know in those stupid, pathetic, girly movies where the main characters kiss and it seems like the whole world stops just for that one, perfect moment? Well, no that didn't happen.

But It was pretty damn close

We both pulled away and he rested his forehead against mine.

"Damn." he muttered, looking up to meet my gaze.

That was when everything caught up to me. 'No no no no' I thought to myself 'This can't be happening! I don't have these feelings, I'm a cold hearted fighter. It's just what I do' I knew I had to get out of there before I said something I would regret so, I leant in kissing him fully, but pulling away after only 2 seconds.

I laughed when I heard him whimper. His eyes widened as though he only just realised how weak we were both acting. So, before he could ruin the first perfect moment I'd had in a long time, I spun on my heel and walked quickly to the exit of the park. As I walked through the tall black irongates, I stole a glance over my shoulder to see Reece, leaning casually against a nearby tree with his arms crossed over his chest.

Suprisingly, it wasn't his bulging muscles that I waas focusing on. It was his face. He wore his signiature smirk again 'why..' I wondered.

And then it clicked

That pervert had been checking me out! As if reading my thoughts his smirk grew and he freely roled his eyes up and down my figure. I resisted the urgeto scream multiple profanities at him and settled  for flipping him off as I strode out of the park. I muttered a series of spanish swear words hearing his loud laughter behind me

*****PRESENT TIME******

I was interupted from my inner monologue by a knock at the door. I jumped of the couch where I had been residing for the last six hours and silently moved to the door. Looking through the peep hole I saw a boy around my age with dirty blonde hair that sat just above a pair of bright baby blue eyes. 'Don't let him in' my brain was telling me 'Never let a stranger through the door, thats just -'

"Can you hurry up and let me in?"

'Argh! What is it with people and interrupting my inner monologues?'

I whipped out my phone and played the recording of Hunter using his scary voice "Password?"

I watched the boy run his hand through his hair "Ugh, apparently I'm supposed to sing 'shake your tail feather' and do the hokey pokey? But, couldn't we skip the formalities and you just let me in?"

I couldn't help but laugh as I opened th door. That was Ashleys code, and she hardly ever told anyone what it was. I leant casually against the doorframe.


"Hi uh," he seemed unsure of what he was actually doing on my doorstep so I gave him a reassuring smile before opening the door wider so he could fit through

"You wanna come in?"

"Yeah, thank" he sent me a small smile "I'm Louis by the way"  I closed the door and we both sat at the island bench in the kitchen.

I folded my hands in my lap before giving him my full attention, something felt very wrong here. "I'm Nikita, so what can I do for you, Louis?"

He took a deep breath and I had a feeling he'd rehearsed this speech he was about to unleash upon me.

"Look, just promise you'll hear me out before you respond in any way ok?"

My eyebrowed pulled together into a frown, but I nodded none the less "You've got my word Louis" he seened relieved but I still couldn't shake this feeling that something was wrong.

And oh man, was I right.

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