Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

I strode into the cafeteria with Hunter by my side. We were discussing how long it would have taken to come up with the name 'North High'.

"3 minutes" I repeated for about the milionth time.

"No, 2 minutes" his face reminded me of Ahsley when I refused to by her candy floss.

I shrugged "Whatever, I'm right so I have no reason to continue this conversation" He rolled his eyes and mumbled something that sounded like 'whatever'. Just as he strode into the cafeteria I pounced on his back.

You know in the movies where the whole cafeteria goes silent and all eyes are on you? Well, let's just say this wasn't the first time it had happened.

I was laughing like a crazy person as he yelped in suprise, but then he turned his head to give me an evil grin.

"Oh no you -" he cut me off by gripping my thighs and taking off. He run around the cafeteria tables earning shocked faces from everyone, especially th "populars". I probably wasn't helping by laughing so uncontrollably.

We finally came to a stop at the food line where Hunter put me down, still grinning like an evil mastermind.

"On that note, I have to go to the library" he patted my head but I swatted his hand away. He chuckled before dissapearing into the hallway. I rolled my eyes before turning to the lunch lady and ordering my food.


"You know for such a hottie, you sure eat a lot" I let out a sigh before locking my phone and raising my eyes to see a jock, I think his names Andy, grinning at me with a cocky expression.

"You know for a jock, you sure have small feet" I replied putting an innocent expression on my face. His eyes turned cold and he leant over the table slamming his hand in front of me in a pathetic attempt to stare me down.

"Look," he snapped "I don't know who you think you are, but I am king here, I'm top fighter here and I don't appreciate some little bitch coming in and acting like she owns the place!" my eyebows shot up at his choice of words as I rossed my arms across my chest.

"Are you finished yet?"  If he was angry before, he was now furios

"Who the hell do you think you are!!" He shouted. He had attracted a crowd now.

I stood up, moved around the table to look him directly in the eye. I was equal hight to him and he seemed a little taken back that a girl was standing up to him but I didn't stop there.

"My name is Nikita and I don't give a damn what you like. I'm here to stay and your pathetic 'kingdom' as you call it" I scoffed "Is about to be overtaken"

He smirked at me as if he found my challenge amusing, "Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it? Get your little boyfriend to beat me up?" I narrowed my eyes at him but before I could respond a deep, husky voice spoke from behind me

"Oh no, she's way stronger than me mate" I didn't even have to turn around to know it was Hunter.

I smirked at Andy "So Andy, the fights at the warehouse at 9 right?" he just nodded in reply, his face still cold. I looked at Hunter and he seemed to know exactly what I was thinking because he grinned and turned so his back was facing me. I jumped onto his back and as he galloped towards the exit, we both gave him the finger before laughing and running out of that place. Oh yeah!

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