Chapter 5

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"You nervous?" Hunter didn't even take his eyes off the road but I could see concern on his face "Cause, you know, if you want me to take this one I don't --"

"I'm fine Hunter" I cut in before he could continue. He didn' seem convinced though.

"Really" I assured him. He seemed to relax a bit now.

"Ok" he said a smile tugging at his mouth "Let's go kick some tail" we both couldn't help laugh but it died down as we pulled up outside the warehouse.


The guard at the front pointed Hunter towards an area where all the fighters were gathering but stepped in front of me when I tried to follow him. He glanced towards a couple of tables where all the.. 'groupies' were sitting then back at me.  I raised my eyebrow at him

"Don't even think about sending me to sit with those sluts"

He seemed slightly suprised at my reponse but when he noticed I had my knuckles bandaged (quite proffesionally if I don't say so myself) he stood aside and I walked over to where Hunter was.

I leant against the cool brick wall beside him with a sigh

. "This place is as boring as watching crap dry"

Hunter chuckled and was about to reply when the door swing open and the whole place went silent. There he was. Mr cocky himself. Andy.

One of the sluts ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him. She was pretty, with blonde hair that fell just down to her bare stomach. She had long tanned legs and her outfit left very little to the imagination.

"Good luck tonight baby!" she squealed enthusiastically at him and he just grunted in response and started storminghis way to where we were gathered.

She trotted alon beside him giggling and twirling her hair around, I glanced at Hunter who's face wasalmost purple trying to hold in his laughter. The second we made eye contact we both just lost it.

It got to the point where I had tears pouring from my eyes and Hunter wasn' even making sound anymore his mouth was just open and he was clapping like a retarded seal. When we finally sobered up, I noticed everyone staring at us.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" I said rolling my eyes


They ran these intro's by volunteers. If the leader liked what he saw, you were in. Hunter was up first, now I have to admit he could be really intimidating when he wanted to be. Hunter was tall with dirty blonde hair and peircing blue eyes, as beautiful as they were though when they turned cold it even frightened me a little bit.

About six people volunteered to fight Hunter. One named Alex was selected, poor guy. Alex was all muscle and sure, he had the strength but no amount of strangth can measure up to the amount of experience Hunter's had in the ring.

Within five minutes Hunter had knocked Alex to the ground and he was not getting up any time soon. Next was me. Almost everyone volunteered to take me on. Eventually the leader chose a guy named Jay.

"Sorry to have to mess up that pretty face darling" he said to me before throwing a careles punch at my face.

I dodjed his punch easily and kicked his knee causing him do fall to the ground.

"tsk, tsk, that's not very nice" I said shaking my finger at him. He grunted before litterally launching himself at me. I jumped to the side, narrowly avoidin him as he crashed to the ground once again. He stood up and spun around to face me. I heard voices from the onlookers

"Ouch, that's gotta hurt!"

"Remind me not to get on her bad side"

I smirked causing him to look at the guys talking. Perfect!

Before he could process what had happened, I performed a perfect, lethal round-hoous kick knocking the wind out of him. I walked over to where he was gasping for breath. I held my hand out to him as if to help him up. He went to take it but my other fist collided with his jaw before he had a chance to pull me to the ground.

I walked over to Hunter, my fist connecting with his.

"Nice job sis" he said, ruffling my hair. I laughed and punched him playfully in the chest.

"You two" a voice appeared behind me causing me to spin around.

There infront of Hunter and I, was the leader.

"Come with me".

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