"Thankfully during those month you've recovered. you may need to take some medicine but other than that you're fine!"

"Wow damn.."

"I'll call your family over right away!." One of the nurses says as she walks off.


They gave you some clothes to put on as you waited for the gang. When they got the call they came running the nurse told her that she had some news on you. When they entered they saw you standing up and smiling as you chatted with the nurses. You then look over to them. You gasp and you cry as they pull you into a large embrace. What you didn't expect to see was Johnny.

"j-Johnny? I-is that you Johnnycakes?" you say, your eyes start to tear up again.

"Y-yeah." He says nervously 

You grab him and hug him into a tight embrace  and you cry.

"I thought I lost you!"

"turns out I just fainted."

"damn idiot." you say laughing then smacking the back of his head

he laughs. The guys talk with you until you realize something. your boyfriend was missing.

"Hey uh guys."

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Where's Dally?" you question

"OOOOH YEAAAH ABOUT THAAT me and two-bit are getting ready for a date so we kinda need to go." Steve says as he leaves

"Pony and I need to go to somewhere bye!." Johnny says

"I- what the fuck?" you say

"Darry?" you say

"I have to chaperone Johnny and Pony." He says while swiftly walking away

"Damn... Soda?"

Soda looks away nervously.

"Soda???" you say "Soda honey tell me where my boyfriend is."

He mumbles something.


"I said he sort of got out of jail anddddd he hooked up witch cherry while you were away and right now he's waiting for her at school," he says sighing of relief

"He what?" you say "C'mon Soda."

"what? where are we going??" he says

 "were going to kick some ass," you say as you drag him along with you


"Dallas motherfucking Winston." You yell

He looks over towards you and his eyes widen.

"B-baby?" he says

"It's Y/N to you Winston," you say hate dripping off every word.

"I-im sorry I thought you were gone I-."

"Hey babe," Cherry says before looking at you and her eyes widen

You grab her by the collar and shake her.

"Listen here Cherry next time you call him that Ill beat you black and blue."

"Oh, you have me shaking in my boots you were always bark and no bite I'm not scared."

You laugh. You throw her down onto the floor and start beating the shit out of her.

"Y/N stop!"

It made you want to hit her more after he said that but then you were held back by Soda.

"Let me at her!" You say struggling to get out of his grasp

He pulls you closer and you start to ease up and you sigh.

"He ain't mine..." You say defeated 

"babe Im sorry she said you were dead I."

"I dont want to hear it, Winston...I took five bullets...I almost died."

"I didn't know what to do im sorry-"

"Sorry my ass you didn't even-......You never even visited me after you left jail." you say tears starting to prick at your eyes you wipe them quickly away.

"That's the thing with you Da-Winston you think everybody loves you when actually everybody hates you."

"cherry made me like this I-"

"Winston stop playing pretend! Your as plastic as she comes! You think your shit don't stink you think the rest of us are dumb! I hate Cherry's guts but here's what you don't comprehend at least she has the guts to not pretend to be my friend!."

"Y/N i-."

"No, it's fine! Really fine! Totally fine!" Say tears streaming down your face as you threw his ring and one of your photos together at him.

"Oh and I want my necklace back..." You say as you start to walk off

When he sees the picture tears start to prick at his eyes. It was a picture of you and him on Christmas you were kissing under the mistletoe.









"Im sorry baby....."

OOOF HOPE YOU LIKED IT!!! This is just a teaser! Incase yall want a full book UWU!!! Love ya'll Stay safe and have a good Wednesday, my dudes!!!!!! <<<33333

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