Im sorry I couldnt save you

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"How did you get away" mione asked us as we met her and Harry on the bridge.

" puking pastilles. It wasn't pretty" I laughed as I walked up to Harry and hugged him.

"Told then I was hungry wanted to eat some, they told me to bugger off and ate them all themselves" Ron said and I looked at mione and she had a surprised and impressed face on.

" that was clever Ron"

" so how are we getting to London!" Neville asked , I looked up to Harry

" look it's not that I don't appreciate everything you've done, all of you but I've got you into enough trouble-"

" Harry shut up, you are not going to save Uncle Siri alone, for Godrics sake he's my uncle I'm going with you. And there still a possibility that this whole thing is one big trick Voldemort is playing on you and what would happen if you go there alone and you get taken or killed. I'm not letting that happen and neither will day, we are coming with you no matter what you say" I told him and the others agreed with me

" so how are we going I get to London?" Harry asked and we all smiled

" We fly of course" Luna Said


We got to the Ministry in no time right now we are runny though the building trying to find this door that Harry keeps seeing.

Once we got to the department of mysteries at the end of the corridor was the door.

" this is it"

I felt my heart beating faster, non of us knows what's on the other side of the door.

We walked in and there was thousands upon thousands of glass balls each one telling a different stories of past present and future. Stories that contain a person and what they are descend to do.
Harry walked off really fast and we went after him. He kept mumbling numbers.

" he should be here" Harry said and that's when I knew we walked into Voldemort's trap. But why here what could possibly be here that he needed....

The prophecy

" Harry!" I yelled and he looked at me and so did everyone else. " looked for a crystal ball that has your name on it"

" what?"

" just do it!" I yelled and everyone looked at the crystal balls for Harry's names

" Harry this one has your name on it" Neville said

I ran to him followed by Harry.

He reached up and slowly grabbed the ball that was now glowing.

The ball started to talk

The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches and the dark lord shall mark him as his equal but he shall have power the dark lord knows not . For neither can live while the other survives

What the fuck

" Harry" mione says

We turn to look where she is looking and what we see has just pissed off my day

Death eater

Wait why are they call death eater when they bring upon death shouldn't they be called life eaters?....never mind not the time

" where's Sirius" Harry asked

" you know you really should learn how to tell the difference between dreams and reality" Lucius Malfoy said " you saw only what the dark lord wanted you to see. Now hand me the prophecy"

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