Dance practice

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We sat in the great all having some breakfast and I was talking to Harry and I noticed he wasn't looking at me but at something behind me , I turned to see what he was looking at and I saw Cho Chang , I rolled my eyes and I looked at Harry again and he smiled at cho and pumpkin juice went out of his mouth and usually I would laugh at him but on this occasion no. He blushed at Cho , he BLUSHED. I looked down at the table and began to wonder was this the reason why he hasn't spoken to me about me liking him , does he have feeling for Cho.

" Cassie look at this your in the paper and I don't think you would like what she has put" mione said

Miss Cassiopeia Black , the adoptive daughter of Albus Dumbledore and Niece of know Azkaban escapee Sirius Black seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards , her latest prey , sources report is non other then fellow Hogwarts student Cedric Diggory. No word on how Harry Potter's taking this latest emotional blow

I looked at the paper as mione read it out and anger burned inside of me . The parts that getting me is that Reta has just told everyone that Sirius is my uncle. This explains why people are looking at me weirdly. I knew it was going to come out eventually but not this soon.

I stood up and ran out , mione not far behind.

" I'm going to kill her , I'm going to fucking kill her!" I shouted and people who are reading  the paper are now backing away from me . Great.

" Cassie calm down it going to be okay" mione said as we reach myrtles bathroom

" no it's not , I can't deal with this , all of this! The guy who I love has been forced into a dangerous tournament which he could die in, the same guy also knows I have a crush on him and it's clear he doesn't like me anymore as he literally spilling his drinks out and blushing at the sight of Cho Chang , so thanks guys for the false hope , and on top of all that the whole of Hogwarts now believes I'm related to a mass murderer!!"I yelled

" Harry likes Cho?" Mione asked

" yeah he does" I said crying now

" but I ...what...oh come here Cassie" mione said opening her arms and I hugged her.

" I'm sorry" she said

" why are you saying sorry , it's not your fault that Harry doesn't like me, maybe he did at one point but not anymore." I Said

" Harry could still like you"

" you haven't seen the way he looks at her mione, he looks at her like she is a whole planet"

" ye but he looks at you like your the sun" Mione sun

" yeh but the sun will eventually die out"

" and his world will end with it" mione said trying to convince me " give it some time Cassie , this thing with Cho will pass , it has always been you with him"


" the Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve we and our guests gather in the great hall for a night of well mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school I expect each and everyone of you to put your best foot forward and I mean this literally , because, Cassie would you like to tell them" Minnie Said and I was stood next to her

" the Yule ball is a ...wait for it ... a  dance" I said and all the girls , apart from mione where happy and the boys complained.

" Oi! Boys!" I shouted and all the Gryffindor boys looked at me " don't complain this is basically a free ticket to have sex" I said and that got a lot of the boys to cheer and caused Minnie to slap my head .

" oh you so so related to Sirius" she said to me and I have her a big smile

" the house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded to respect of the wizard world for nearly 10 centuries, I will not have you , in the course of a single evening , besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling bumbling band of baboons , now to dance is to let the body breathe inside every girl a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight .."

" something is about to burst from Eloise Midgen and I don't think it's a swan" I head Ron say

" RONALD WEASLEY!" I shouted and the poor sod fell of his seat and everyone looked at him including Minnie " I suggest you keep your mouth shut or I will Owl your mother"

" you sound like my mother" Ron said and I turned and whispered in Minnie's ear

" I think you should use Ron as the demonstration for dancing seeing don't you agree"

" very much so dear" she whispered back

"Mr Weasleys , would you care to join me please?" Minnie asked

Minnie and Ron walked into the centre of the room

" now place your right hand on my waist"

" where?" Ron asked

" my waist"

He did so and a boy whistled at him

" and extend your arm , Mr Filch if you please"

Music turned on and they started dancing

" everyone come to gather, boys on your feet" Minnie Said and the boys didn't move , I looked at Neville and smiled at him , he saw and was the first boy to stand up and everyone boys and girls watched him as he made his way over to me . He extended his arm

" Cassie would you like to dance" Neville said and I took his hand

" most certainly Neville" and we started dancing and and he was really good

" your a great dancer Neville"

" yeah my gran taught me , even though I didn't want to and your a great dancer as well"

" well I grew up with Minnie what do expect" I Said

" so are you hoping to go worth Harry to the ball?" Neville asked

" yeh but I don't think that's going to happen , I think he likes someone else" I said and Neville laughed at me , and I mean laughed

" and people call me stupid, Cassie all Harry does is talks about you even this year it's , Cassie helped me master this spell , Cassie is doing better at her revision, With out Cassie I would be lost. Trust me he likes you"

" well he has a crap way of showing it" I said

" who is the girl you think he likes?"

" Cho Chang"

" don't worry about her , your 10 times better then she is, and I think she likes someone else anyway"

" thanks Neville"

" no problem Cassie , oh and how are you coping with the Reta telling everyone who your related to"

" uh I ... not good ... either everyone is scared that I'm going to kill them or they think I was the reason Uncle Siri got into the castle"

" Uncle Siri? I'm guessing you guys are close"

" yeah , he's not who everyone says he is , he didn't kill those muggles."

" well I believe you"

" you do?"

" yeah , when have you ever lied before"

"Thanks Neville, really , your one of my best friends"

" and same with you"

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