Carved into out hands

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" good morning children" the pink toad said for the back of the class room causing us all to turn and look at her. She strutted down the row as if she owned the school.

" ordinary wizarding level examinations O-W-Ls more commonly known as owls study hard and you will be rewarded..." Umbitch rambled on and I grabbed Harry's hand from underneath the table and started playing with it drawing patterns with my fingers , Harry looked at me and smiled and lent in and kissed the side of my head. Then a book was placed down in are desk and I didn't even bother looking at it as I knew it was probably stupid anyway.

" there's nothing in here about using defensive spells?" Mione asked and that caused me to look up

" using spells? Well I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom" umbitch Said in her sickly high pitch voice

"So you aren't going to teach us spells"I asked

" you'll be learning about spells in a secure risk free way" she said back at me narrowing her eyes

" Well that's complete bullshit. I can see it now no nose voldy coming up to me ready to attack and I say ' one sec mate got to get my book out so I'm not in a risk free situation just stand there for me please' he ain't bloody gonna stand there he's ganna kill my ass" I said and I could tell Ron was trying not to laugh

" Cassie is right what use it that if we are attacked it won't be risk free" Harry said

" students will raise their hands when they speak in my class . It is the view of the Ministry that's a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations which after all is what school is about" the pink bitch said

"And hows theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there" Harry said and I squeezed his hand as I knew he's going to get pissed of soon

" there nothing out there, who do you think wants to attack children like yourself?"

" Voldemort" Harry and I Said at the same still with the same amount of ' is this woman that dumb' tone to it

" now let me make this quite plain you have been told that a certain dark wizard is back but I can tell you that this is a lie" she said and Harry was now pissed off

" it's not a lie , I saw him. I fought him"

" detention mr Potter"

" so according to you Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord" Harry said

" Cedric Diggorys death was a tragic accident" pinky said

" it was murder you bitch , Voldemort killed him, if my boyfriend said he saw Voldemort then I believe him, the Ministry is run by brainless bastards who are quite happy living in denial of it saves them their own jobs" I said

" Enough! See me later Mr Potter in my office and your girlfriend can join you to"

" aww it's so nice to hear other people call me your girlfriend Harry" I said putting my head on his shoulder

We entered the pink lady's office and surprise surprise the whole thing is pink.

" good evening mr Potter and Miss ....dumbledore sit" she said and I sat next to Harry " your going to be doing some lines for me today" she said and we went to get out quill but she told us to use hers which didn't come with ink

" now I want you mr Potter to write ' I must not tell lies' and the other one I want you to write ' I must not speak'" she said and I looked at her

" must not speak what , out of terms, not speak bad about my teacher?" I asked

" no no no just write I must not speak, I think everyone one will appreciate it if you didn't speak at all" she said with a smile and I curled my hand into a fist but Harry grabbed it to talk me now.

" you haven't given us any ink" Harry said

She told us we didn't need any so Harry and I began to write and after a bit my left hand began to hurt and I looked at it and it was red ish , I heard Harry mumble in pain and I looked at him and saw he too was having the same problem. I looked at my hand again and was word being cut into my hand and the words say

I must not speak

I'm going to kill this bitch.

That said bitch walked in front of me and Harry

" yes?" She asked and Harry relied to her

" nothing"

" that's right , because deep down you know you deserve to be punished don't you? Go on" she said and Harry and I made our way to the door and as we were about to leave umbitch called me

" oh and miss dumbledore I'll see you on Friday for the detention that I set you at the feast , and this time you will be writing ' I must not interrupt people'" she said and I gave her a fake smile and walked out of the room.

Yep definitely going to kill her

A/N : it feels like ages since I posted a chapter, as I said before my updating will be dependent on when I'm free from collage and assignments.

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