The new but stupid DADA teacher

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We sat in the great hall and Ron  taped his wand in Sellotape to fix it ,and he was not happy

"Say it , I'm doomed" Ron said

" tu es condamné"I Said

The boys looked at me with a puzzled expression

" it's your doomed in french" I say

" since when can you speak french" Ron asked

" I could always speak french I learned it when I was younger as my dad said that my birth farther knew how to speak french and I wanted to learn it so I felt a bit closer to him" I said and the guys gave me a sad expression which I don't know why . Then this kid came up to us with a big smile on his face

" hi Harry" the kid said while taking a photo of him and I smiled at this as I could tell this boy was a fan of harrys and he was adorable " I'm Colin Creevey I'm in Gryffindor too" Colin introduced himself

" hi Colin nice to meet you" Harry said

" Ron is that your owl?" Dean Thomas said and we looked up to see Errol flying in with what looked like to be a howler in his mouth , oooh this should me good, bring the wrath of Molly Weasley

Ron took the howler out of the mouth and he saw what it was and gulped " oh no" he said

" go on Ron , I ignored one from my gran once it was horrible" Neville said , Ron opens the howler and ...

"RONALD WEASLEY HOW DARE YOU STEEL THAT CAR I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED YOUR  FATHER'S NOW FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK AND ITS ENTIRETY YOUR FAULT IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME ! Oh and Ginny dear congratulations on making Gryffindor your farther and I are so proud" the howler said and looked at Ron a ripped itself up , I look down you where Ginny was sitting and she looked really embarrassed, she looked up and saw me , I smiled at her and she returned it.


We sat in the DADA class waiting for Professor love himself to show , I sat next to mione and Ron and Harry where behind us , I was so bored I leant my head back onto Harry's table and looked up at him , he laughed at me started to fiddle with my hair and I liked it , Ron and mione gave each other a look but I ignored it as I was enjoying Harry playing with my hair and the smile on his face said he did as well. Then the door open and Goldie locks showed his face  and I sat up well more like mione pulled me up

" let me introduce you to your new DADA teacher.. me , Gilderoy Lockhart order of merlin third class, honorary member of the dark force defence league and five times winner of witch weekly most charming smile award but I don't talk about that I didn't get rid of the band on banshee by smiling at them"

I turned to Ron and Harry
" I bet he didn't get rid at them at all , I bet somebody else did it , he seems to dumb to do it himself" both of them laughed

" now be warned is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizard-kind, you may find yourselves facing your worst fears in this room , know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here , I must ask you not to scream it might provoke them" he then reviled a cage full of Cornish pixies

" Cornish pixies?" Finnegan said

" freshly caught Cornish Pixies , laugh if you  mr Finnegan but pixies can be devilish tricky little blighters let's see what you make of them now"

All the pixies went racing around the room and poor Neville was picked up by them and hung onto the ceiling, everyone ran out of the room as quick as possible and one of them started pulling on my hair

" get of me!" I yelled

" stop hold still" Harry said and he hit the pixie with a book. Lockhart got put his wand

" peskipiski pesternomi!" He yell and only to have his wand taken by a pixie , he turned to look at us as he ran away
"I'll ask you four to just nip the rest of them back into their cage" and with that he was gone , bloody cowered

" what do we do now?" Ron asked and o remember a spell but didn't didn't know how to say it

" mione what was the the spell that. Immobilises you" I asked she looked at me for a second then stood up

"Immobulus!" She yell  and all the pixies stoped moving and then we all looked up to Neville

" why is it always me?" He asked

" I don't know Neville" I replied

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