Minnie Vs Dorlores

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" do you ever stop eating?" Mione asked Ron who was stuffing his face with food causing me to laugh as I was walking in with Harry

" what? I'm hungry"

" Harry, Cassie" mione said

Harry looked down then back up mione and I looked at them with a confused expression wondering what had happened, I turned to Ron for help but he just shrugged his shoulder and kept on eating.

" can we join you" Harry asked

But before Mione could answer we heard someone yell form down the hall

" pardon me Professor but what exactly are you insinuating?"

We all run to see what was going on and to my surprise it was Minnie and the pink toad

" so silly of me but it sounds as if your questioning my authority in my own classroom Minerva"

Oh shit

"Not at all Dorlores merely your medieval methods" Minnie told her and I walked up to Minnie for support us girls have got to stick together.

" I'm sorry dear" pinky Said

" apology accepted" I interrupted her with a big grin on my face and some of the student laughed and Minnie stood there trying not to laugh

" Shh child! But your question my practice is to question the Ministry and by extension the minister himself"

" like the Minister has any bloody brain cells, the man doesn't even know what's true and what's bullshit"I said

" I am a bit tolerant woman-"

" clearly not a smart one" I said and pinky shot me a glare

" -but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty"

" I thought it was Liars"

" WILL YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU WRETCHED CHILD" umbitch screamed at me and I turned to look at Minnie and saw her face turn red with anger

This should be fun


" things at Hogwarts are far worst than I feared" umbitch Said changing the topic "Cornelius will want to take immediate action"

" well Cornelius can suck my dick" I said

"You will join me for detention this Saturday Miss dumbledore"

" I will not" I said in a posh voice

" yes you will"

" no I won't"

" you will respect me"

" respect is earned not give and you have done jack shit to earn any, so kindly piss off I have a lesson to attend to and my uncle would not care for it if I'm late" I said walking down the stairs grabbing Harry's hand and dragging him down the corridor.

" I thought you said you wanted to go to lesson?" Harry said

I stoped abruptly in the middle of the corridor and turned to Harry. He looked at me and sighed and opened his arms out for me , I crushed his in a hug and felt one of Harry's arms wrap around my waist and the other hand placed at the back of my head

" I hate her...."

" I know love"

" she's going to ruin Hogwarts..."

" we won't let her"

I stayed quite for a bit and Harry just brushed my hair with his hand.

" do you want to go to the astronomy tower?"

I nodded my head and Harry and I made are way up there.

Minnie's PoV

That pink annoyance yelled at my baby, we'll she isn't my baby but she might as well be I help raise her form the age of five, we did everything like a mother and daughter should.

I made my way to  Severus classroom to tell him what happened and how Cassie and most likely Harry won't be in lesson.

I made it to the door and knocked and I heard Severus say come in

" Minerva what do I owned the pleasure of you gifting me with your presence" Severus said sarcastically

" we need to talk"

" about what"

"Cassie" I Said and Severus face turned concerned for a split second but it was noticeable, it still surprises me to this day that Cassie is able to bring this side of him out.

" what happened, is she okay?" He asked

" No, she isn't, Dorlores screamed at her in front of a bunch of students demanding Cassie to respect her"

" yeah like that's going to happen, when Cassie doesn't like someone she will let them know it. The other day I have Mr Malfoy barge in though the door with a bloodied noes demanding I got Cassie expelled for punching him"

I had a smirk on my face when he told me this, like a mother being proud of her daughter.

" what did you tell Malfoy?" I asked

" I said that if he wanted Cassie expelled he would had to emit he got beat up by a 5'1 girl and that shut him up, now I think Cassie is capable of handling herself Minerva she's not a little child anymore"Severus said setting up his equipment

" Dorlores gave her another detention this Saturday"I said casing him to stop in his tracks and look at me

" last time she had a detention she came out with a cut hand"

" and Dorlores has taken a special hate towards Cassie and I fear that she might do something worse this time"

" no she won't"

" how can you be so sure Severus"

" because Dorlores is going get very I'll on Saturday morning and will be forced to cancel"Severus said and I looked at him with a confused expression

" what are you going to do?"

" I'm going to put something in her tea, no need to concern yourself Minerva" Severus Said and I made my way to the door but stoped and turned around

" oh and before I forget Cassie and Mr Potter will not be joining your lesson today as I have a feeling Cassie needs something to cool down"

" Potter better take care of her otherwise Voldemort will be the least of his worries" Severus said

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