Cuddles by the fire

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Barty Crouch was dead.

Yep that happened, a person died in this tournament and he wasn't even a participant.

Ok top of that Fudge won't even cancel the tournament in order to save his own skin. This man is the definition of dumb.

I was up in the common room waiting for Harry to return from seeing dad and I was just staring at the fire wondering how what has life become. Harry and I didn't have a normal childhood, him living with his horrid Aunt and Uncle and me living in a huge castle and yet we both are now are targets to some half blood dick head who thinks the world should be cleaned of so called dirty blood even though his dad was a muggle.

If you told me at the beginning of first year about what my life would become I would have just laughed at you or say you've been spending to much time with my dad.

I was so deep in thoughts I didn't notice Harry come in , so when he put his hand on my shoulder I jumped up with surprise.

" Godric Harry when did you get in"

" I did say your name 3 time but you didn't answer, what where you thinking about?"

" stuff"

" what kind of stuff?" Harry asked taking a seat next to me and draped his arm around my shoulder and I leaned my head on his shoulder

" just how crazy are life is now"

" yeh it's just a bit crazy" Harry laughed

" yeh but part of me is saying this isn't the end , that it's only the start of something more something..."

" dangerous" Harry said now looking at the fire and I followed his eye line

" and I know some how us two will be in the middle of it" I Said

" yeh because you can't keep away from trouble"

" your trouble Potter"

" and you can't keep away from me" he said now looking at me

" when did you get so confident"

" when I met you" he said and I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks. Harry found this funny for some reason.

" I can't wait for this tournament to be over" I said to him. Harry resides an eyebrow and stared at me with confusion

" why?"

" it means that us two will finally be official" I said with a big smile on my face.

" yeh we will ... I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but it's just..."

" a mans already died Harry and you don't want to start something that could end just as quickly, it's okay , I've waited 4 years, I can wait a few more months" I Said

" thanks for understanding Cassie"

" no problem . oh what did my dad want"

" he's just wanted to say he's confused about this whole thing"

" wow you finally did it , you broke my dad" I laughed out and Harry laughed with me

" I have a feeling it's to do with Barty Crouch Jr"

" Mr Crouch's son?"

" yeh , I keep seeing him in my dream and now Mr Crouch is dead , I think it will be stupid just to ignore it"

" what did dad say?"

" to ignore it"

I sighed and shook my head at my dad being an idiot.

" I think it's wise that your taking this into consideration, but I still think this has something Mad Eye Moody"

" before I would have just said your being silly and you only accusing him because you don't like him but now I think it could be right"

" oh you agree with me now"

" yeh because you know how you said you think what Moody was drinking was polyjuice potion"

" yeh?"

" well snape has just accused me of sealing ingredients to make polyjuice potion"

" so Moody is not who he is and you think this has something to do with Barty Crouch jr .... Harry you don't think maybe Moody is Barty Crouch jr?"

" I don't know but it is a possibility"

" you'll have to still see him" I said

" what"

" if you suddenly stay away from Moody then he may think something is up and then something bad could happen" I said

" something bad has already happen Cassie a man has died"

"Yes and I don't want you out being the next"

We stayed quiet for a bit just holding each other and I closed my eyes as I felt very tired now.

" the finale task is next" Harry Said

" mhm" I replied to tired to talk now and Harry could tell this so he got the blanket that was on my legs and pulled it over my shoulders

" gets some sleep Cassie"

You don't need to tell me twice"


A/N: Ah I feel bad I Said I'll update on the weekend and now it's Tuesday. I've got collage in a few hours so I'm getting a chapter or two up now before I have to go


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