Date to the ball

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We sat in study hall and Ron was talking about  dates to the Yule ball and just to let you know , Harry has not asked me to go, so the Theory of him liking me is becoming less and less.

" this is mad. At this rate , we'll be the only ones left in our year without a date" Ron Said and Uncle Sev pushes his head down

" well us and Neville" Ron Said and I spoke up

" he's got a date actually" I said and Ron sighed

"Now I'm really depressed" Ron Said and one of the twins gave him a note that said

Get a move on or all the good ones will be gone

" who are you going with then?" Ron asked

Then George ask Angelina to the ball there and then and she said yell and I tried not to laugh at Ron's pissed of face

" Oi Hermione, Cassie your both girls"Ron Said

" very well spotted" mione said

" come with one of us" Ron Said then he got hit across his head by uncle sev

" come on. It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone , for a girl it's just sad" Ron Said and I looked at Uncle Sev and he looked back and I pointed to Ron and he got the message. This will tech you to shut your mouth Ronald

" believe it or not someone asked me to go" mione said and handed to her book to uncle sev and came back " and I said yes"

The Ron looked at me as I was in front of him

" does she really have a date?"

" yeh she does"

" well what about you"

" no not yet" I Said and I looked at Harry and so did Ron

Uncle sev showed up and pushed Ron's and Harry's head down and I laughed and Uncle sev smiled at me .

" well Cassie maybe someone in Gryffindor can ask you and you can dress up really nice and dance with them." Ron Said looking at Harry

" yeah maybe"I Said also looking at Harry

" what do you think Harry"Ron Said

Harry looked at Ron then to me , he did this for a bit

"Oh .... yeah someone should definitely ask you" he said

Ron slammed his head on the table and I looked away.

" well you two are the only Gryffindors males in are year who don't have dates ,so..." I Said hoping Harry would ask, and Ron lifted his head up and looked at me

" yell I can't go with you I think of as a sister and it would be weird so Harry ?" Ron said smirking

" I ... well... um ... Cassie ... would you ..... I'm .. ... sorry" he said

When he said this I stood up and packed my things and looked at them both

" it's fine" and I walked away

Harry's PoV

I saw the look in Cassie eyes and it hurt me and when she walked away it broke me.

I looked at Ron and he slapped my face.

" you complete utter bloody idiot!
Cassie .. you .. I'm ... sorry . That was not how it was supposed to go to dick head it was supposed to be , Cassie I like you , I like you a lot , would you please go to the Yule ball with me? Not what you just bloody said. What happened!!"

" I panicked Okay , I looked at her and saw her face and the hopeful look in her eyes and I panicked... I messed it up haven't I." I said

" no mate . You fucked it up" Ron said " I don't get you , you faced a dragon but you can't ask the girl you like to the ball"

" the girl is scarier then the dragon when she is made okay"

" she probably thinks you want to go with Cho now" Ron mumbles

" what" I ask

" oh yeah , you remember the day I told you that Cassie has a crush on you while you where both on the same room"

" yeah?"

" well she already knew you liked her and she was waiting for you to make the first move as she didn't want to push you , she wanted to wait until you where ready, anyway , this year you have been talking about asking her out and when I said that , we were both hoping you would do something about it but you didn't and the other day at breakfast she saw you looking and blushing at Cho and now she thinks you don't like her anymore"

" wasn't blushing at Cho I was embarrassed that pumpkin juice fell out of my mouth, did you yell her that I do like her"

" yep and she said she will only believe us if you asked her out to the Yule ball and because you didn't , she probably looking for someone else now." Ron Said and I put my head  in my hands .

I'm an idiot

Cassie's PoV

I was walking out of the great hall with tears streaming down my face and I crashed into someone and I fell back

" sorry I wasn't looking"

" Cassie are you alright"

I looked up to see Cedric and I wiped my tears away

" oh yeah I fine"

" when girls say their fine , they are not fine now come on" He Said and picked me up if the floor and took me around the corner so no one would see me cry

" what happened Cassie?"

" Harry.."

" what did he do"

" it's what eh didn't do , uh Ron basically gave him and open opportunity to ask me to the Yule ball and what does he say . I'm sorry . That's what he says." I Said now getting mad at Harry

" go with me"Ced Said

" what?"

" go with me to the Yule ball"

"But I ..what"

" I'm going to be honest with you Cassie, I like you and I mean like you as more then friends and I didn't realise it till it was to late as I know you can never like me back and even if you say you do I know it will be out of pity . I know you can never like me as you love Harry , it will take an idiot not to see that , which apparently Harry is. So go with me to to Yule ball and show Harry what he is missing out on" Cedric Said and I can't believe he likes me like that but he is right I can never like him I the same way as I'm in love with
Harry Potter.

" but wouldn't that be unfair on you"I say

" hey , I get to go and have a wonderful evening of dancing with a beautiful girl and at the end of the day if it means that Harry will see what he's missing out of and grows some balls to ask you out and you two will be happy , then I will be happy" he said holing my face in his hands and I look up to him , wow the world doesn't deserve some as kind as Cedric Diggory

" okay , Cedric Diggory I will go to the Yule ball with you"

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