The final battle has began

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Harry's PoV

Cassie hasn't come out of the room since that night....

She won't eat , she won't sleep.

She blames herself for her dads death.

Right now I'm in Albus office when McGonagall came in

" Potter , I'm light of what has happened if you should have the need to talk to someone..."

I walked by her

"You should know Professor Dumbledore you meant a great deal to him" she said and I looked at the portrait of Albus " he was so happy when you started dating Cassie, even more so when you gave her the promise ring which I Why I want to thank you." She said

" I don't understand" I said

" you may have Given Cassie the promise ring as you don't know what will happen in the future but you also aloud for Albus to see his daughter with the closet thing to an engagement run before he passed and for that I'm thank full as at least now ..... he got to see his little girl with a ring on her wedding finger, even if it was a promise ring. He died knowing she was happy and in love and that's all we wanted for her. Cassie didn't just lose her dad you know, I lost my best friend."

I nodded my head and walked away


Hermione and I were standing on the balcony on the astronomy tower and Ron was sitting down and I handed hermione the locket

" it's fake, open it" I told her

" to the dark lord , I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know it was I who discovered your secret . I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can , I face death in hope that when you meet your match you'll be mortal once more  R.A.B. Who's R.A.B" Hermione asked

" Regulus Arcturus Black" a voice Said and we turned to see Cassie standing there, she was in my clothes and her hair was done in a messy bun and dark circular under her eyes

" hi Cassie how are you feeling" Hermione asked

" been better . Now, R.A.B is Regulus Arcturus Black. My father" she said walking up to us and holding the locket

" he succeeded, my father succeeded but he drowned when he got the locket. He must have given the locket to Kreacher before he died." Cassie Said

" but why did Kreacher not save Regulus?" Ron asked and Cassie looked out looking at ye hills

" because my father told him to . I saw my father that day , the day we went to the cave. He saved me when I drowned that's when I realised that was how he died , he must have drank the water in the dish and when he went to get some fresh water he got pulled under the lake and drowned. I'm guessing he gave Kreacher the real locket and told him to destroy it, it will explain why Kreacher is always so pissed off and sad, he's not been able to for fill his maters last wishes. Poor thing is probably still trying to destroy the horcrux or gave up after a while as he may have deemed it impossible to do. My father one the risk of getting the horcrux but he did it anyway, he's helped us more now" she said

" what do you mean?" I asked

" because he's showed us it's not impossible to defend Tom, he left his Journal for me to find, he showed us that there is light at the end of the tunnel, he's showed us that not all Slytherins are bad and that there are people in Toms followers who don't agree with him and want to do anything it takes to stop him and that we , all us off us need to carry on what he started, what my dad started as he gave us a waring"

" what waring?" Ron asked

" that's the final battles begun" she turned and smiled at us

" we're going horcrux hunting."

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