Back to Hogwarts

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We where sat in the great hall and there where kinda singing but I wasn't paying attention as my mind kept going back to the train ride. Ron and Mione sat in front of me and Harry next to me so I knew it was him when I felt someone tap my arm.

" are you okay?" He asked me and I shook my head

" no not really"

"Was it the train ride?" Ron ask me now him and Mione where listening

" yeah, it's just .... Harry you know how you heard a woman scream" I said and Harry nodded

" well I heard a beeping noise and people yelling and then the same beeping noise went into one big one and I don't know what it means and it's bugging me" I said and Mione and Harry looked at each other then at me and sighed

" it's was a flatline" Mione said before I could ask what that is she continued knowing I was confused and so was Ron " the beeping noise you heard sounds like a heart rate machine, it tracks a persons heart beat and the long constant beep is called a flatline it sound it makes when a person .... dies" she said and I was more confused then ever as I knew what it meant I was there when someone died as what I heard was a memory but who died?

I didn't have time to question as dad spoke

" welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. Now I'd like to say a few words before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast . First ,I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J.Lupin who's kindly consented to fill the post DADA teacher good luck professor"  and Remus stood up and bowed.

" of course. That's why he knew to you two the chocolate, Cassie , Harry" Mione said

" I thought it was because the guy loves chocolate" I said looking at Mione with a smirk and she laughed but stoped when Malfoy spoke

" Potter , Adoption , is it true you two fainted, I mean you actually fainted" Malfoy said

" suck a dick Malfoy" I said and turned Harry around

" how did he find out" Harry asked

" just ignore him mate" Ron said

"Our care of magical creatures teacher has decided to retire in order  to more time with his remaining limbs , fortunately I'm delighted to announce that his place will be taken by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid" dad said and I stood up and clapped and cheated for him

" Finally on a more disquieting note at the request of the Ministry Of Magic Hogwarts will until further notice play host to the dementors of Azkaban until such time as Sirius Black is Captured. The dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds. Now whilst I've been assured that their presence will not disrupt our day to day activities a word of caution Dementors are vicious creatures. They'll not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one who gets in their way. Therefore I must warn each and every one of you give them no reason to harm you it's not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving." Dad said and i just thought at what point did I piss of a dementor to attack me

" but you know happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn on the light" dad said

After the meal we went back to the common room and I had my arm hooked with Miones and we came to a stop

" here listen she just won't let me in" Seamus said so Harry tried

"Fortuna Major"

" no no wait watch this" the lady said and she just screamed and smashed the glass against the wall
" amazing just the my voice" she said so I stepped up

" can you please let us in now , fortuna major" I Said

" yes alright go in"

And she lets us in and I ran in not before saying thank you and I went  straight into my room and jumped on my bed and mione , lavender and Parvati came in and laughed

" comfy are you Cassie" lavender said

" very, now get your stuff ready and we can talk" I said we decided that at the beginning of each year we all have a big girl talk about are summer , what we want to happen at school and obviously boys.

After we got changed we sat on ate beds well I sat on Miones with my head in her lap as she played with my hair

" alright which category first , summer, school or boys" I said and lavender and Parvati said boys and mione said school so boys it was

" so Cassie you still like Harry" lavender said with a smirk, the two other girls knew I liked Harry as they asked my about it as they thought me and him were a couple

" yes ..." I said

" she even slept in the same bed as him other the summer" Mione said and I gave her evils while the other two girls squealed

" you two slept together it your only 13" lavender said and I knew what she meant

" no no no no not like that she meant like fell asleep and just sleep" I quickly said

" does this mean you two are a couple" Parvati said

" no" I said back

" but why" lavender asked

" yeh you two would be like the power couple of the school" Parvati said

" he doesn't like me like that he only sees me as a friend" I said and we all heard a big slap and I looked up to Mione having her hand on her head

"You are both so stupid, he likes you Cassie , I swear to Godric you are both blind" she said

We talked a bit more about stuff but what Mione said got to me

No way Harry Potter likes me , does he?

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