What we fear the most

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After I helped Remus set up the room , people began to show up I wasn't paying attention to who was coming in as I just kept staring at this wardrobe, my first thought was that Remus was going to take us Narnia but that's was just hope.

Someone taped my shoulder bringing me out of thought , I turned around to see Harry with a worried expression on his face

" can I talk to you Cassie?" He asked me and I nodded my head and he grabbed my hand and lead me into the corner of the classroom. Once we got there he put a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to meet his eyes , I really do like those green eyes

" what happened before , you left really quickly?"

" I couldn't stay there while they talked about Sirius Black"

" you don't have to be afraid he won't get you"

" but that's the thing , I know it's going to sound crazy but I want to meet him I want to know why the bloody hell we wants me dead and ... and-" I Said not being able to finish it of but Harry did for me

" you want to ask him about your birth father?"

" yeah ... you know how it is knowing your parents existed but not knowing what they where like"

" yeah I know"

" but I got good news though" I said with a smile trying to brighten up this conversation

" and what's that"

" I now know some things about my birth family"

" really how ?" Harry said shocked at what I told him

" Professor Lupin , apparently I have a uncle that is related to me by blood and he was best friends with him and my farther was my uncles younger brother" I said and I saw Harry smile but then his face dropped

" wait if you have a relative out there why are you not living with him"

" I asked that question but I think he died too as Professor Lupin said that he lost all his friends one night so but there is something oh need to know another my birth father and you won't like it" this was the part I was worried about I have to tell my best friend, my crush that my dad used work for the man that killed his parents.

I was about to tell him when Remus called the class over

" I'll tell you later but remind me to as you know I'll forget"

The class stood by the wardrobe which was now shaking and everyone took a step back.

" intriguing, isn't it , would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?" Remus asked

" that's a boggart that is" Dean Thomas Said

" very good Mr Thomas , now can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?"

"No one knows" mione said now that she was in the room , I looked at her and smiled and tried not to laugh at Ron confusion

" ooh I know what this is now , mione can I finish answer" I asked her

" go a head" she said with a smile as she knew I've been listening to what She's been saying in are one to one revision session

" boggarts are shape shifters they take the shape of whatever the person fears the most that's what makes them so terrifying, but how is this fun Professor you told me we where doing something fun and I don't find staring at my worst fear fun" I said now looking at Remus

" patience Miss Dumbledore , you will eventually. Now a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart let's practice it now . Without wands, please after me Riddikulus"

" Riddikulus" everyone said

" very good a little louder and very clear listen : Riddikulus!"

And we all said it again they and I heard Malfoy speak

" this class is ridiculous" he said and a few people looked at him so I turned to face him

" your face is ridiculous Malfoy" and a few people laughed and I looked at Malfoy with a sweet innocent smile as he scoffed at me

" very good so much for the easy part . You see the incantation alone is not enough what really finishes a boggart is Laughter you need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing let me explain , Neville would you join me please?"

Everyone turned to look at Neville and he looked nervous. I felt bad for him , why does this things always happen to him. He slowly made his way over to Remus and stood there not knowing what was going to happen , non of us did .

"Neville , what frightens you the most of all?" Remus asked

" Professor Snape" He said and I heard a few people laugh and I shot evils them and they shut up immediately

" Professor Snape. Yes , frightens all, and I believe you live with your grandmother?" Remus Said

" yes but I don't want it to turn into her either" Neville mumbles and I felt bad for him .

" no it won't , now I want you to picture her clothes, only her clothes, very clearly in your mind"

" she carries a red handbag-" Neville started but Remus stoped him

"We don't need to hear as long as you see it we'll see it . Now when I open that wardrobe here's what I want you to do ." Remus Said then he whispers something in Neville ear that we couldn't hear , I look at Harry and smiled he was so intrigued by what was going on , as sensing my stare he looked down at me and smiled and mouthed ' are you okay' and I nodded my head and he looked back at Remus. I looked at Ron and Mione and they both looked at me and then at Harry and they at the each other and laughed quietly. I went and focused on what Remus and Neville where doing . The wardrobe door opens and out came uncle sev and I tried not laugh even coming out of the wardrobe he still dramatic . Then Neville shot the spell at boggart sev and the boggart then had clothes that looked like an old lady . At this point everyone laughed and Remus told us all to stand in a line , Ron was at the front and I was somewhere in the line in front of Harry.

Ron went first and his was of corse a spider , then was Parvati and hers was a big snake and she turns it into a jack in the box which I find looks more scarier the the snake just saying , then it was my turn .  I stood there and the boggart went to change it did this and then just disappeared at first I was confused but then I looked down and I saw all the bodies of the people I cared about; Dad , Aunt Minnie , uncle sev , all the Weasleys, mione and then Harry . I stood there frozen as I looked into Harry's eyes the once bright green eyes were now dull and life less. My rapidly pick up , I was hyperventilating, tears steamed down my face. I could tell everyone was staring at me and Remus was saying something but I couldn't hear , I just kept looking at the dead bodies on the floor , I just kept looking at Harry . In my head I was telling myself it wasn't real but I just stared , it wasn't till I felt a hand slip into mine I was broken out of my trance , I look up to find Harry , his bright green eyes bore into mine and I felt a tear stream down my face , Harry brought his hand up to it and wiped it a way. Then I heard his voice the vice that I've grown to love , telling me I can do this , and he was right I can do this. I look back at the pile of dead bodies and pointed my wand at them


The once a pile of bodies was now and bunch of chickens moving around falling over one another. I laughed , and so did everyone else.

Remus came up to me and patted my shoulder and I smiled in return. I took a step back and it was now Harry's turn , the flock of chickens moved into the air and became something I didn't think I would see for , something I didn't think Harry would be scared of.

A dementor

Remus moves in front of Harry blocking his view so the boggart would change, it changed into a moon which made sense for him.

I walked to Harry and he immediately engulfed me in a hug and i hugged him back we just stayed there as people walked out of the class room , I looked up from where I was to see Harry just staring at the wardrobe. So I did what he did to me , I brought my hand to his cheek and he looked down at me and I lead him out of the class .

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