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I washed by hands clean of blood as I really wanted to hold Harry's hand but I don't think he will like his hands to be bloody.

We got back into the common room as Harry had actually a great Asia to use the liquid luck and asked Slughorn for the memory.

He drank the liquid luck and Ron, mione and I sat there waiting for him, and Harry just sat there with a goofy smile on his face.

" well how do you feel?" Mione asked

" excellent, really excellent" Harry Said and I tried not to laugh, he looks high.

" remember Slughorn usually eats early takes a walk and then returns to his office" Mione said

" right ....... I'm going down there hagrids" Harry Said and I lost it, Ron ha dot ho me up because I was laughing to much.

" what. No Harry you've got to go and speak to Slughorn" mione said as hary was getting his jacket " we have a plan"

" I know but I've got a really good feeling about hagrids , I feel it's the place I be tonight , do you know what I mean?" Harry asked

" we haven't had a clue of what you meant since first year Harry" I Said

" Cassie come with me, we're going to see hagrid" Harry said grabbing my hand and walked out of the common groom not before saying hi to the people walking in

We walked past the green house and saw Slughorn there, doing well I don't know what he's doing but it looks fun.
We made our way over to him scaring him in the process.

" merlins beard Harry! Cassie!" Slughorn Said

" sorry sir I should've announced myself. Cleared my throat , coughed , you probably feared I was Professor sprout" Harry said

" yes I did actually what makes you think that" Slughorn asked

" just the general behaviour sir, you look like Cassie when she's sneaks into her dads office to steal sherbet lemons" Harry said looking at me when smiling, this kid is decently high.

Harry just started to walk off without me.

" just exactly how did you too get out of the castle" Slughorn asked

" through the front door sir , we're off to hagrids , he's a very dear friend and we just fancied paying him a visit, so we'll be going now" Harry Said grabbing my hand again.

"Harry!" Slughorn shouted

" sir!" Harry copies him

" it's nearly nightfall , surely you realise I can't allow you to go roaming the grounds by yourself"

" I won't be by myself I have Cassie, she can help me , well when's she not dead on the floor with a werewolf slashes on her throat" Harry Said and I slapped my hand on my head

" love you too you big idiot" I said

" the statement still stands" Slughorn Said

" then come with us sir" Harry Said

We reached hagrids, and Slughorn tried to get us to go back to the castle , main word tried.

When we got there , there was a giant dead spider infringe of Hargid

" what the hell" I said moving closer to Harry

" merlins beard is that an actual acromantula?" Slughorn asked

" a dead one I think sir" Harry said

" good god , however do you manage to kill it" Slughorn asked

" kill it? Me oldest friend he was" Hargid Said

I turned Harry " hagrid has a friend that is a spider?" I asked

" that's Aragog, you remember we met him in second year" Harry said

" no you met him , I was being kidnapped by Tom Riddle and taken to the chamber" I said

" oh yeh..... wait that was in second year?" Harry asked

" awww baby the liquid luck is messing with your head isn't it"

Hagrid talked about how the spider can unsettle some people and Harry wanted to join

" not to mention the pincers" Harry said moving his hands to his face and clicking his tongue.

"Would you like me to say a few words" Slughorn asked

" yes" Hargid cried and I moved away from Harry and hugged hagrid to make him feel better

" farewell...."

" aragog"

" farewell aragog, king of the arachnids your body will decay but your spirit lingers on and your human friend's find solace in the loss they have sustained"

We went back into hagrids hut and Slughorn and Hagrid decided to sing and Harry and I laughed at them

" I had him from an egg you know tingly little thing he was when he hatched no bigger then a Pekinese a Pekinese mind you" Hagrid said

" how sweet , I once had a fish Francis . He was very dear to me one after noon I car down stairs and he vanished poof" Slughorn Said

" very odd isn't it?"

" isn't it buts that's life I suppose you go alone then suddenly poof!"

" poof"

" poof" Harry Said

And hagrid fell asleep

" it was a student who gave me Francis one spring afternoon I discovered a bowl on my desk with just a few inches of clear water in it floating on the surface was a flower petal as I watched it sank just before it reached the bottom it transformed into a wee fish it was beautiful magic wondrous to behold , the flower peta had come from a lily your mother , the day I came down stairs the day the bowl was empty was the day your mother ..... I know why your here but I can't help you it would ruin me"

" you know how I survived Professor?" Harry Said " the night I got this" pointing to his scar " because of her, because she sacrificed herself because she refused to step aside because her love was more powerful than Voldemort-"

" don't say his name Professor, I'm going to tell you something, something others have only guessed at , it's true I am the chosen one only I can destroy him but in order to do so what Tom Riddle asked you years ago in your office and I need to know what you told him"

Slughorn shook his head " I can't"

" why not?" Harry asked

" because last I told someone they died, they died .... leaving his family behind.....leaving his child" Slughorn Said looking at me

" you told Regulus didn't you" I asked

And he nodded his head

" he knew there was a way to destroy him. He wanted to destroy him.... I tried to make amends to my wrong.... I didn't know he would go hunting for it... he died trying to get it.... in the reason you don't have your father Cassie .... I'm sorry" Slughorn Said

I walked in front of him and knelt down.

" you have nothing to be sorry for , in fact without you , my father wouldn't have been a hero." I Said

" but he died..."

" and that was his own choice, he knew there was a chance of death but he still went threw it because he wanted to save my mother to save me. You need to tell us Professor, you need to tell us or what Regulus did , what Lily did , would be all for nothing. They died so we could live and we need to honour their sacrifice by Fighting for what they died for" I said

" please don't think badly of me when you see it" Slughorn Said " you have not idea of what he was like even then" he put his hand to his head and took out the memory.

" trust me , I know" I Said remembering the day of the chamber.

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