Yes or Yes?

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3rd pov

Who knew Elli would've fallen for Haknyeon sooner than she had hoped. It's been 3 months since Haknyeon has started to courting Elli, and everything was different yet normal. Exams were next month so the 12 of them studied from time to tine together. Elli and Haknyeon hung almost everyday, with Eric tagging along sometimes. Elli has been trying figure out when and how to ask Haknyeon, so she asked Sunwoo and Q on their way to class.

"Changminnie, Seono, what should I do?"
"Just ask him. You both like each other, do you guys need even ask?" Sunwoo says frustrated.
"I'm scared. No matter how much I say or have someone tell me that they likes me, it still scares me." Elli sasy, giving the younger a worried look. "Just you guys plan, while I get myself mentally prepare. Ok? Please?" The two boys nod their heads as the three enter the class.

"Kevin, help me. You've known her longer." Haknyeon shakes the older boy, begging with him as he takes his seat. "I don't know how to ask her. What if she hasn't fallen for me still? How will I know?"
"Ask her." Kevin says matter of factly. "Ask her about her feelings for you, then plan accordingly." Haknyeon nods.
"I just ask bluntly?" Kevin nods towards the younger as their class starts.

During their class, Kevin, Q, Sunwoo and Eric talk about Elli and Haknyeon.
"So plan together for the two?" Eric asks as he writes what the professor is writing.
"Yes. Haknyeon will text me that Alex like him, and we start planning with the two of them. They won't know that they're indirectly planning together." Kevin states.
"Will this work? I don't want Alex to get hurt again." The others nod.
"Trust me, this will work. They're in love. What could do wrong." Q says as Eric knocks on his desk, saying 'knock on wood' as class continues.

After classes, Elli and Haknyeon was hang out like normal but today is date. They took Elli's motorcycle to a corner store near Elli's dorm. 
"It's not perfect, but I haven't worked in two weeks since I'm studying." Elli tells. Haknyeon shaking his head.

It's fine. As long as we're together, I'm happy." Elli nods to the taller. They cooked cup a ramen each and sit down, eating in silence.

"How do you feel about me now?" Elli chokes as on a noodle as Haknyeon helps her. "Sorry, too sudden?" She nods her head.
"No, I just wasn't expecting you to say that." She cleans her mouth as she continues to eat. "I'm... in love with you." She answers quietly, quickly stuffing her face with food and avoiding eye contact.
"Oh ok." Haknyeon says as they both took a breathe together.
"Will you be my boyfriend/girlfriend?" They say in unison. They shyly chuckle at each other.
"I think we already know the answer." Elli states as Haknyeon grabs her hand to hold it. They holds hand as Haknyeon uses his right and Alex uses her left to eat.

Once they were done, they called The Boyz to tell them the news. Elli calls Q, hoping he was with the other boyz.
"Changminnie, you with The Boyz?"
"Yeah, what's up? Oh Kevin and Eric went out to get some food."
"Ok, put me a speaker phone. I'm with Haknyeon by the way."
"Ok, speak child." Elli mouths: On the count of three, they were gonna tell them. Haknyeon nods, preparing themselves.
"We're dating." Haknyeon and Alex said as one. They heard the boyz cheer and Q's dolphin screech.

"I'm not surprised." They hear a voice behind them and a chuckle from another. They turn to see the two boyz that were out getting food.
"Shut up, Youngjae." Elli hits Eric for speaking out loud. The two boys sit on either side of the new couple with the food they got. They talked for a bit and decided to head to The Boyz's dorm.

"Hey! Haknyeon! You finally got the guts." Younghoon yells as the four of them walk in.
"They both got guts." Eric responded. "They asked each other out at the same fucking time."
"Hey! Youngjae! No fucking swearing!" Elli yells at the younger. The room erupts into laughter at the bickering siblings. "Relax, Youngjae. I won't kill you. Unless you swear in the same sentence as you're talking about me." Elli whispers that last part to Eric. He nervously chuckles knowing she is not threatening him, she is making a promise. The 12 of them talked and enjoyed each other's company.

Elli was about to say something when she gets a phone call, Fairy Prince💘. She excused her, taking the call.
"Your majesty, what's up?" Elli answers elated
"Can I stop by you place?"
"Why?" Her tone came off as harsh by accident.
"I just wanted to give you the gift I wanted to give you before you left. Is that okay?" Her face reddens at the memory.
"Um... It's okay. But I'm at The Boyz's dorm." Elli's anxiety kicks in.
"Oh ok. Ask them and text me if I can. If I can't then I can just go to your place."
"Okay." They say their goodbyes and hang up.

"Guys, Hyunjoon wants to stop. Is that cool with you?" The Boyz rung in agreement to Elli's request. She texted Hyunjoon 'okay' and the address.

We hear a knock on the front door 10 minutes later.
"Hyunjoon, you're here!" Haknyeon opens the door, letting the younger in.

"Always so handsome. Your majestry, I missed you." Elli is the first to get up and hug the younger.

Me too, my Black Rose." He hugs her back. Hyunjoon sits were Elli sat and Elli sits in between Haknyeon's legs. The 13 of us caught up. Once it was getting late, Hyunjoon decided to head out. Elli walks with him to the door and he stops to turn around to the older.

"Okay, close your eyes." Elli nods and closes her eyes. Hyunjoon takes out a locket, placing it around the shorter's neck. "Open them, Soonyoung." She is surpised to see the locket. She opens it up jubilantly. One side had a candid photo of them dancing to one of their favorite songs: "Tomorrow" by BTS. Elli remembers that day; that was day before a dance competition they joined. They got first place in the couples part, Hyunjoon got first and Elli got second in the solo part of the competition. Dancing was what started their relationship and kept it strong.

"Thank you, Hyunjoon. I love it. I love you." Elli teared up, hugging Hyunjoon as if he was going to slip through her hands.

"I love you too, Elli." He pushes the shorter off of him to look her in the face. "You, Haknyeon, Q and I should meet up to dance." Alex nodding, loving the idea.

After Hwall left, everyone called it a night. Eric slept with New and Alex slept with Haknyeon. The couple was very lovely-dovely with each other. To the point it made the other boyz wanna barf.

The next morning, Haknyeon woke up to his sleeping beauty next him.  He peck her lips causing her to wake up with a smile. They say good morning to each and got ready to head to school.

At school, they walked in with their hand intertwined. Proudly showing each other off. The day went on as normal for them, but not for Gunho. Gunho was furious with Ju Haknyeon. Ju Haknyeon stold his first love. Gunho calls Hyunjin telling her the plan. It was a horrible plan that could ruin their our lives, if they did.

"I can't do it. It's illegal. I'm sorry, I'm only okay with doing smaller, legal things. Lets just spead a rumor." Gunho trys not to yell at her. He thinks about it for a bit, finally coming to a decision.
"Okay, start telling people that we're dating them. You and Haknyeon have been together since 4 minths ago, and me and Elli around the same time. No knew becaise we dated them in secret. Because they wanted to keep it a secret from each other."

They agree and hang up. The two waited to watch all of hell to break lose on the couple. By the end of the day, it was all over the school; unbeknownst to the new couple.

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