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Clarissa stand still waiting for him to show up though she know he won't. She sighed closing her eyes.

"Clare?" She looked at the way. Mira was looking at her worriedly.

"What happened?" She sighed smiling at her it's been so long since she last saw her. But her question was a bit off.

"Why are you asking that?" Clarissa asked walking upto her hugging her.

"Because for a moment.. I thought you will cry" She stare at Mira. Not answering her anymore. Cry? Off course she feels like that too. But it won't give her any relief. She needs answer after all she had enough of this push and pull for the last two weeks.

"Nothing just a bit tired from an all nighter" She sighed before searching for Noa.

"She already went to school" Mira sighed shaking her head. Clarissa eyes wander to the wall clock it's already 9 a.m.

"Oh!" Clarissa said a bit disappointed that she did not get to see her daughter.

"So,What are doing here?" She asked. Mira stare at her before answering.

"I was worried about you and missed Noa so I thought I will drop by before going to work but you were not here and Anna was running around to catch Noa. She is such a hyperactive child" Mira chuckled before sighed. When she entered the house, Anna was struggling she felt bad for her and helped her. Now she felt bad for herself. Exhausted before work great way to start a day.

"Sorry for the trouble" Clarissa said chuckling. Mira rolled her eyes.

"So, where were you?" She frowned at her question.

"I need to take care of something. So I..." Clarissa was about explain when Mira stopped her.

"Was it important?" She blinked at her question.

"Yes??" Clarissa did not get her point. Off course it was important. Or was it?

"Was it important enough to ignore your own daughter?"

"Mira.. What are you saying?" She asked shaking her head.

"You need to set your priorities right. You can't ignore your own daughter. The Clarissa I know would never do that" Mira did not let her explain, she left after saying those words. Clarissa stare at the door where she walked out from. That's right she would never do that. Then why? She sighed. Now that she think about it form the moment she enter this house she did not have much time for Noa. Was she lonely?

"Anna??" Clarissa called Anna who rushed in.

"Make me some breakfast and No need to pick up Noa after school. I will do it" She rushed in to take a bath. Even though she wants to ponder about that but first thing first she will visit her dear father.

Clarissa called a taxi and went to Valentine household. As usual it looks to cold for people to live in it. She entered the house, workers where too busy. She went staight to see her father.

Thank god she could not find that woman. The last thing she wanted was to loose her temper.

Antonio Valentine was busy reading news and sipping coffee. She rolled her eyes.

"Good morning, father" Clarissa smiled at him. Antonio looked up from his news paper narrowing his eyes at her.

"What are you doing here?" She once liked her father's straightforwardness but now she know this is nothing but a face he put up.

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