"Fuck you."

Claude's eyes widen as he stares at the teen, now pseudo little brother. It isn't until he continues does the butler realize that Robin is listing the things this Jason Todd spoke.

"Who the fuck are you... What the fuck does it look like... Shit... Got any drugs?..." 

There is a sly smile on Robin's face.

"What did you do?" Slade asks, sensing there is something more to this meeting between Robins. He can already guess what, but he wants to hear it from Robin.

His smile slips from his face as it pales. "I let him out," Robin says fearfully. He already knew he can't lie to Slade, so he doesn't even try anymore. Not that he would now, but telling the truth is still horrifying.

Especially if you were playing hero again...

"But it was an accident! I just- I just-"

Slade lets out a snort, probably terrifying Robin even more. "Relax. You messed up. I get it. I'm not going to beat the hero out of you."

"You probably should," Robin mumbles under his breath.

There is a moment of silence before Slade speaks up again. "Well, if you wanted. You could use the memory gel. That would be the easiest way to do it." Robin perks up, staring at the back of Slade's head. "Of course, you'd have to do it yourself..."

"I'll do it!"

Slade glances over his shoulder again with his single eye, eyebrow raised. Progress, he thinks.

"I'll do it," Robin says again.

"Claude, take the wheel."

The butler rushes over to take over the controls as Slade expertly maneuvers out of the command chair. He sets a comforting hand on Robin's shoulder and leads him into the small hold of the carrier. Opening a compartment, he palms a fat veil of black plasma. Then, Slade opens another drawer and pulls out a tape recorder.

"Record what you want to change here. Start it and wait for five minutes before talking. Start playing it back when you drink it, all of it. You won't be able to do much after the gel starts digesting. You'll be most receptive after a few minutes." He puts both items into Robin's hands and leaves.

The silvery black paste makes Robin's stomach drop, but he doesn't let the disgust show. He doesn't want Slade to think he is having second thoughts. Because he isn't.

This is something he has to do.

Robin had been so good up until now! Why did he have to mess up? He just slipped. He wasn't even thinking when he released Jason! He just did it.

It couldn't happen again.

"We could've lost you."

Sure, the two have had their differences in the past. Or maybe it was just Robin... Slade seemed to always have it figured out... It had scared Robin at first, when Slade had manipulated him into being his apprentice. After all, Slade was right, he was right about everything. Robin loved the thrill, he was hooked on it. Maybe that was why he continued to do hero work despite everything that had happened. But in the end, Robin would always get dragged down.

Until Slade came back, came back to show him the light at the end of the tunnel.

He couldn't disappoint Slade.

He wasn't a hero.

Robin let's the recorder run, after he is certain five minutes passed he begins his speech. Speaking, pausing, and speaking again. When he is satisfied, he saves it and uncaps the veil. He plays the recording back and takes a deep breath before downing the gel. It isn't easy- it is actually rather painful. The plasma doesn't flow like a liquid, but creeps down his esophagus.

Until he can't breath.

In an attempt to make the process quicker, he starts to shove the gel down his throat with his fingers, but it only molds around them going the same slow speed. His body reacts, trying to cough it up, but it doesn't budge. He clutches at his lips, dropping the veil.

Eventually, it starts to absorb into his body, clearing his air way enough for him to breath. However, it causes a huge wave of vertigo and he can't keep himself standing. He feel his mind fog over until he hears the clear words of his own voice.

Afterwards, he drifts into unconsciousness.

-Slade has taken back the controls. He could set it on auto pilot, but in the case of an air assault, he wanted to be the one behind the wheel. He is paranoid like that.

The sound of the hold door opening and closing draws part of his attention. It has been a few hours since he had lead Robin to the carriers storage room and he hasn't come out since. Claude is cleaning several of Slade's guns off to the side and has them all arranged in order of size.

When Robin appears in the spacious cockpit, he isn't wearing his uniform. Instead, he stands confidently in his underwear, cuffs, and mask with his arms crossed over his chest. "Seriously, Master? You really had me parading around in that ridiculous costume?" Robin says with some venom, but by no means threateningly. "I must've looked like some angsty hero, walking around the League of Shadows in that."

"Claude can make you another suit when we get back," Slade promises, a hint of amusement in his tone.

"And can we please change my code-name? Robin is way to sentimental. Not to mention, everyone thinks I'm the Bat's bitch." 

Claude snorts in the background.

"I have a few suggestions."

"I know," Robin remarks. "I saw your list when I hacking into the data base just a few minutes ago. I also have some suggestions on the outfit design, but I'll bring those up later."

"You're very prepared."

"Of course," Robin, not Robin agrees. "If I'm going to be your apprentice, I've got to live up to the name." Slade can practically feel the sparkles of pride rolling off the boy.

"Anyway, I really like this one."

Slade looks over at the list that appears on the teen's dismembered hologlove.

"It'll just smack Batman in the face, don't you think?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way,


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