(OLD) Chapter 9: "What Defines A Patriot?"

Start from the beginning

"Why do you keep fighting?" Rye asked but to no avail.

"People like us are tied to war." Patriot states as he went on the offensive. "We can only fight for ourselves. And those we believe in."

His spear almost stabbed Rye, but he blocked it with his Arts.

"And others."

"We still have a chance for a better future!" Rye states as he jumped back.

"No we don't!" Patriot states as he stabbed his spear into the ground. "Ever since Talulah has gone mad there is no hope for peace."


"Reconciliation is no longer an option available for us Infected." Patriot interrupts as loosens his grip on his weapons. "You know that! Yet you still cling to your faith."

"But there is still hope for a better future!"

"Even if there is, what will become of the Infected?"

"I don't know!"

"We are forever stuck, in a stalemate."

"What are we supposed to do?" Rye questions.

The sounds of metal clanging filled the atmosphere.

"Now you know how I feel." Patriot concludes as he walks away.

"What are you doing?" Rye's legs gave up and he fell on his knees.

"Calling off the attack." Patriot said as he turned face Kaiser Rye one more time. "My soldiers need me."

Flames erupted nearby. Smoke blocked out the moon.

"Kaiser Rye. I will fight, for my brethren. I remain a warrior. But what remains, of you?"

Then the Wendigo disappeared from Rye's sight. Rye spent a great deal healing his wounds. Fortunately, none of them were deep and he was able to stand in no time. It took a full ten minutes for the fighting to stop. Patriot called his troops to retreat.

Rye moved past the flames and the rubble as he tried to locate the L.G.D. He found Ch'en patching up a soldier as everyone was tending to the wounded.

"Where were you?!" An angry Ch'en walked up to Rye and grabbed him by his collar. "Half of our guards are dead and you were nowhere to be seen!"

Ch'en had visible cuts on her arms. Dirt lined her body as she shook him.

"I was fighting their general." Rye pushed Ch'en off as he started healing a wounded soldier.

"General?" Ch'en inquired. "Since when did the Reunion have a general?"

"Long story. Where are the medics?" Rye asked as he bandaged up a soldier.

"They are late." Ch'en gritted her teeth.

"Ch'en Sir some of them arrived." Hoshiguma walked up to them. Her hair was stained with blood and dirt as she stood next to them.

"I want all the wounded on an ambulance sent to a hospital!" Ch'en barked. "Get the Reunion soldiers we've managed to capture and then we head out!"

"We lost them." Hoshiguma sighed.

"Lost them?!" Ch'en was indefinitely irritated. "How could you possibly lose them!"

"When the other soldiers arrived they managed to hold us off and free their comrades."

"UNBELIEVABLE!" Ch'en slammed her sword on the ground causing everyone to flinch.

Rye was finished healing another soldier before standing up.

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