Chapter 20

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"Okay... Since you are new, let's not make it too hard. You have to take two shots of tequila. That's it." Alex says to me.

"I..." I am just about to say but Ian cuts me off.

"Are you sure wanna do this? Or we will change it to something else" He says.

'Why does he sound like I am a 13 year old teenage girl and he is appointed to take care of me? Shouldn't he be concerned about his girlfriend? I am beyond annoyed by his fake concern now.'

"Yeah.. Do you?" Simon asks too.

I don't say anything to any one of them. My annoyance is clearly visible on my face. I give Simon a cold look and take the first glass of shot in my hand. I bring the glass to my lips.

It doesn't smell tempting or something except it burns my nostrils. Without thinking anything else I gulp down the drinks from the first glass and it burns my tongue all the way to my stomach. My eyes become teary due to the burn inside me as I never drink anything but beer and champagne with a little number of alcohol in it.

Everyone is cheering me up, expect April and Ian. April clearly wants to kill me with her eyes and Ian's expression is cold and unreadable. I assume he didn't like me drinking and doesn't want me to take another shot.

I look at his blue orbs which clearly show annoyance. I chuckle at him and take another shot. This time, it doesn't feel as bad as the first time but still burns. The good thing is I didn't cough after swallowing that burning shit.

"Done" I say as I finish my task.

Where everyone applauds me, the blue eyed man rolls his eyes at me.

"Next is April. Truth or Dare?" Simon asks.

"Is that even a question? Of course it's dare." She rolls her eyes.

"You have to.... what should be her dare?" A girl asks us as she fails to give her task.

"How about a lap dance?" Chelsey grins.

"Aw.. That's seductive. Go for it." Alex says to April.

April smirks at him, then gets up from her seat. She walks past to all of us slowly then walks right back to her previous place and lifts her legs and places it over Ian's lap. He looks surprised but doesn't say anything to her. I instantly start feeling disgusted as she straddles on him and moves her hips. She flips her hair onto the other side of her face, pressing her lower region against him before grabbing his hands and put them on her ass.

I feel a lump on my throat. As disgust overwhelmed me, I storm out of the place without any excuse needing of fresh air.

As soon as I come out of the club, I call Freya. I want to tell her how I am feeling right now. But her phone goes straight to the voicemail. Things can't be more pathetic than this for me. I want to cry or scream or perhaps a distraction to forget what I saw. I go back to the club. While walking in the crowd I find Simon.

"Where were you? You left without..."

"I needed some fresh air." I cut him off.

"Are you alright?" He asks holding my one arm.

"Yeah I am" I look around. Everyone is dancing crazily on KISS AND MAKEUP by Dua Lipa and BlackPink. "Let's dance. This one is favorite." I pout.

I hold his one hand by arm and shake it and ask him to dance with me. He examines my sudden goofy reaction then nods in agreement.

I go to the dance floor holding his hand. I start dancing, jumping and lip syncing the song. He stands awkwardly for a while to see me dancing. I look at him and give him a wide smile while walking towards him. He smiles back at me and slowly starts joining me. He is quite a good dancer. I continue to swirl and twirl around him and put my both arms around his neck. He holds me by my waist as we both enjoy ourselves. I can't believe I am actually having fun with Simon after seeing the disgusting slut show.

"That was awesome." I yell and laughing after the song finishes. "Did you enjoy it?" I ask him.

"I did." He smiles. I laugh insanely and wet my lips with my tongue. "Are you thirsty?" He asks. I nod my head. "Wait here okay, I'll be back." He say before leaving.

"Okay." I say and stand there when the next song is playing.

5 minutes past but Simon still doesn't show up. I stand quietly for a while then start dancing alone. A black guy shows up to me and starts dancing around me. I move a little far from him but every time he comes closer.

"What's wrong man? What do you want?" I asks angrily.

"A dance with you." He replies.

"Not in mood." I roll my eyes.

"Come on girl, just a dance." He requests.

"One dance." I say.

He nods and we start dancing basically jumping around each other and throwing the hands on the air. His moves are really funny which makes me laugh.

"You're so funny." I tell him while laughing.

"And you're fun." He laughs too. "Wanna grab a drink?" He offers.

"Yeah!! I am really thirsty." I agree before think about Simon to return and go with him to the bar.


"What is this red one?" I ask my new drink buddy.

"This is Bloody Mary. Taste it." He holds the glass near my lips.

"It smells different." I say.

"Tastes different too." He winks.

I drink it from the glass. It indeed tastes different than the previous one but burns a bit inside.

"Ummm... I like it." I tell him.

"I like it too. Cheers."

I take another glass and join him. "Cheers." Then gulp it down.

Finally I'm enjoying the party after swallowing glasses of alcohol. This drinking buddy is a nice distraction and I'm actually having fun with him until it doesn't last long and his phone rings.

"This bloody....." He mutters.

"Girlfriend." I smirk.

He gives me a helpless look. I want to laugh at the expression on his face.

"Oppssss." I laugh before taking the third glass on my hand.

Thanks for reading sweeties💕

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