Chapter 3

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A long vacation of new year finally bids a goodbye to all CA people. As all are going back to their respective work, I am here looking for an acceptance letter from any of the corporate houses. But there aren't any. It's disappointing that nobody wants me for their company in spite of having a scholarship and straight A result. Being disheartened I almost about to leave the mailbox, suddenly an anonymous mail catches my eyes. I quickly click on the small envelope sign.

It was from RENIE QUINN

Sub : An offer from Polar Star Picture

Polar Star Picture??? I can't remember if I sent my CV there. I start reading the body of the mail.

Dear Lydia Paris,
I am pleased to inform you that our casting director has watched your video on social media and would like you to audition for our next project on Netflix Original. We are eager to know if you are interested or not. We are looking forward to your reply.
Renie Quinn


An audition for NETFLIX ORIGINAL!!

What's going on with me? What is this all about? I'm hell sure it's another prank of Justin. He needs to pay for this.

I dial his number instantly, and he picks it after two rings.

"Hola Lydii," He says from another side.

"Keep your hola to yourself. I can't believe you pulled a prank on me again." I bark.

"Which prank? What are you talking about?" He sounds confused but I don't believe him.

"Stop acting like you didn't send me the mail." I snarl again.

"No I didn't. Which mail?" His voice has timidity which makes me believe him.

"Seriously you didn't?" I ask.

"No. Tell me what mail?"

"Some Renie Quinn sent me the mail asking me to give an audition for their Netflix show."

"What!! Seriously, PARTYYYYYY." He gets excited.

"Shut up you idiot, I'm sure it's a scam." I tell him.

"Maybe it's not. Wait for me, I'm coming to your place then we will see if it's a scam or not." he says.

"Okay." I respond before cutting the call and dial Freya's contact when she is at her work.

As soon as they both arrive I show them the anonymous mail. Our cyber expert Justin takes the lead to my laptop.

After 4 long hours of research we finally find out the email isn't a scam or prank and the authenticity of the company.

"It's real. They are real and you're going to be a star now." He says.
"PARTYYYYY...Woohoo!!" he yells while tries to dance with me.

I am overwhelmed as hell. But I don't think it's a good idea to go for the audition.

"Stop it... There's no party. I'm not doing this." I murmur.

"What? Are you crazy? You'll definitely do it." Freya says and starts replying the mail on my behalf.

I try to stop them but none of them listen to me. So despite my dissent I eventually agree for the audition.

'Life can be miraculous, Lydia. You will never know.' my subconscious is convincing me.

A few days later,

I still can't believe that the assistant of the casting director knocked me, they find this boring face exciting for their new show.

I communicate with them for a few times after a barrel of hesitation, collect the information about the audition and start preparing myself mentally for the audition while my besties help me a lot.

It surely is the craziest kick start of the new year.

( Authors note: Sorry guys for a really short chapter. I was unwell with bad migrain. So couldn't write much today. Hope you won't mind and will help me with your reads and votes)

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