𝒞𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝚇𝙻𝚅𝙸𝙸

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 (Your POV)

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(Your POV)

Soon after Ara and you had talked, she quickly had left your room, claiming that there was still much for her to work on. It confused you slightly why she was that cold and withdrawn all of sudden, but maybe she really just had something to do. The final battle between rebels and alliance seemed to approach rapidly, so everyone was quite busy. You were disappointed, though, that Ara hadn't even tried anything to comfort you. Instead, she had left you in your room with all your stirred-up emotions and thoughts that made it impossible for you to fall asleep.

What did Tae need to tell you? Had he wanted to apologize?

What if Ara hadn't come and interrupted you? What if you would have gotten a chance to talk to him?

What if you would have told him how much he meant to you? Would he have told you to get lost? Or would he have accepted it and, even better, reciprocated your feelings?

Groaning frustratedly, you tossed your blanket away and buried your face in the pillow, hoping that you could shut out the world that way for even just a short time as a minute or two, but you soon became breathless and had to pull your head out of the pillow to prevent suffocating.

The human body sucked. Ara apparently could hold her breath for two hours if she needed to.

Speaking of Ara, did you only imagine her weird expression and the strange glint in her eyes? Or was there a meaning to it?

Tired of the many questions that were screaming loudly inside your head, making you slowly but surely going crazy, you turned on your back and stared up to the ceiling. Hopefully, you would be able to catch a bit of sleep. The following day, Jimin would introduce you to the larger spaceships, and you couldn't wait to fly them, but you needed a clear and quick mind for that. Desperate to finally fall asleep, you shut your eyes tightly, wishing for the thoughts in the back of your head to be quiet.

But you weren't able to forget Taehyung's ethereal purple glowing face and his desperate expression when he had been staring at you softly but broken at the same time. What concerned you the most was that the glow had only been shining dimly as if it was dying away.

(3rd person POV)

He was angry.

Angry at Jimin because he seemed too close to Y/N while Taehyung himself was always painfully far away from her.

Angry at the other guys because he was able to see them joking around and spending time with the precious human while she didn't even acknowledge his presence.

Angry at Ara because she had interrupted them before he had a chance to talk to Y/N alone.

But mostly, he was angry at himself.

Why had he run away? Why hadn't he been persistent about talking to Y/N if that was what he had wanted to do in the first place?

He couldn't undo his actions, unfortunately. Now he had to find another way to talk to her.

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