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 (Your POV)

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(Your POV)

Shivering, you folded your arms in front of your chest, hoping to be able to warm yourself that way. Nevertheless, the cold sank into you until it reached the bones, penetrating every little cell in your weak and sick body.

There was nothing near the building of the orphanage where you could hide, so you started to walk, hoping that moving your body would keep you warm.

After walking along a few streets, putting distance between you and the orphanage, you didn't have enough strength to walk any further, so you just sat down on the ground of a dark alleyway you had found. The alleyway would be able to protect you from the cold wind, and there were also a few dumpsters where you could hide behind. On the ground, you even found a piece of cardboard from the trash, on which you could lay down. That would keep you warm, hopefully. What worried you the most, though, was that you were already sick. Occasionally while walking, you had sneezed and coughed violently, causing a throbbing headache to form.

You sat on the cardboard and ate the apple the kind caretaker had given you before they had thrown you out of the orphanage like trash. Even though your stomach was not satisfied with the little amount of food, you put the slice of bread back into your bag. You would need it later since you didn't have any access to food. And you would also have to find water!

But your eyelids were heavy, causing you to decide that first, you would go to sleep. You were so tired and needed to get your energy. After sleeping for a bit, you would go and search for something to eat and drink.


You woke up the next day with a heavily pounding headache. Apparently, you had slept all day and night, and now your stomach was empty, causing your body to be utterly weak. However, it wasn't the weakness of your body that alarmed you, it was more the fact that you had slept this long. The sun was just starting to climb up the sky in the east, morning mist still clinging to the damp street, which meant that you had slept for at least seventeen hours.

You tried to get up into a sitting position, but immediately a piercing pain came through your head, and it started to throb heavily. You suppressed the urge to scream and groaned with closed eyes. Carefully, you laid your head back on the ground. What was happening to you?

Then, the realization hit you. You were sick! Obviously, you had caught a fever over the night due to the coldness! You had to search for water quickly now, or else you would dehydrate very fast. Especially with fever, you needed to drink very much. But how could you manage to search for water while having this headache? Maybe you should try again to stand up.

You lifted your head carefully, and luckily the throbbing pain was bearable this time. Cautiously you stood up on your wobbly legs. But as soon as you stood, a wave of heavy dizziness overcame you, and you had to lay down quickly again, to prevent falling.

Your eyes were stinging with tears when you laid on the ground, afraid of dying. Your panicked sobs grew heavier.


You must have fallen asleep again because you were woken up by a sound near to you. You tried to be as quiet as possible, suppressing your breath and panicked sobs. At least you were covered by the dumpsters, so maybe they, or whatever caused the noise, wouldn't notice you. Most likely, they were residents of this area who were merely taking out the garbage. Or maybe, it was just a street cat searching for food; many of them were living in the alleyways.

But what if the sounds were caused by a bad person? A criminal or rapist?

Your eyes were opened wide in fear, and you tried to listen for another sound. You heard the cautious footsteps of someone roaming around, who apparently was trying not to get noticed. You carefully peered around the corner to look if someone was there, but accidentally your arm collided with a few metal plates that were leaning on the wall, causing them to be knocked over and slam on the ground with a deafening noise. You froze as you heard the footsteps stopping and then starting again, steadily coming closer. You cowered to make yourself as small as possible. What else should you do? How were you supposed to flee when your head was aching, and you were feeling dizzy? Nevertheless, you tried to bring your feet under your weak body and push yourself up, using the wall behind you to balance yourself.

You made a few wobbly steps in the opposite direction, hoping to escape the taunting footsteps. The sound of the steps behind you changed; the person behind you apparently had noticed you and quickened their steps. Sobbing, you moved painfully slowly, your weak body not able to muster up the energy to run. You were shaking, and tears were rolling down your face as a result of fear and exhaustion. Your eyes were focused on the exit of the alleyway and the street that laid behind, a few people walking on it. If you could reach it, the person behind you wouldn't be able to harm you without the people on the street witnessing it.

Your pace quickened.

As you were running, feeling relief and a glimmer of hope, you suddenly heard a snarl behind you. What creature was behind you that would make a sound like this? Terrified, you turned your head while your feet were dragging your weak body further.

You looked directly into the red eyes of a creature that wasn't from this world. It walked on two legs like a human, but the feet had claws, it also had three absurdly long arms. There was no skin on its body, but instead slimy-looking, dark green and brown scales. It had no nose, and instead of hair, it had multiple sharp-looking horns. Its small red eyes were fixed on you. The thing was coming nearer and nearer.

You weren't able to tear your eyes away from this horrifying creature, and because of looking back, you didn't saw a can that laid on the ground and tripped, twisting your ankle while falling to the ground.

The creature slowed down and approached you slowly, knowing that you weren't able to run any further. Its eyes glimmered, full of triumph, and you let out a horrified scream as it pulled out a gun-like looking thing and pointed it in your direction. A bright green flash came towards you and stroke directly into your chest.

You saw your vision fading slowly, little black dots filling it out. Your head hit the ground, and you closed your eyes. In the last seconds, before you lost your consciousness, the thought came into your mind that maybe it wasn't bad if this flash killed you. Hopefully, you would be able to see your parents when you were dead.

A smile formed on your lips.

Then, everything vanished.

Then, everything vanished

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1208 words

I'm sorry that it took me so long to publish this chapter, but I had other things to do and wasn't able to write a new one.😭

Stay happy and healthy! I purple you!!!💜💜💜

Website link: https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/114935-dumb/

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