𝒞𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝚇𝚇𝚇𝙸𝙸𝙸

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 (Your POV)

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(Your POV)

Immediately after your spacecraft touched the surface of the planet, every creature outside turned their head(s) in your direction, causing you to shrink uncomfortably into your seat when you noticed all the attention on you. Judging by the trepidation and hostility evident in their expressions, it wasn't a common occurrence for a foreign spacecraft to land on the planet. Their reaction made sense, especially when you recalled how Tae had informed you that your spaceship was a model exclusively used by alliance members.

A crowd had formed around the spacecraft, various creatures curiously and confusedly staring at the entrance, waiting for someone to come out, their hands on their weapons, ready to kill if whoever exited the vehicle would turn out as an enemy. Apparently, their eyes couldn't discover you through the tinted windows, but you didn't know if you should be thankful for that circumstance or if it worsened the situation even further. Nervously, you shot an insecure look to the silver-eyed alien next to you, who had set his eyes grimly on the outside, his body locked up in a stiff position. As if he could sense your helpless glance, he suddenly turned around to look at you with a determined expression.

"Listen," he told you urgently. "We will get out out of the spaceship. And no matter what will happen, you stay and hide behind me. Understood?"

Gulping nervously, you nodded with your eyes widened in anxiety, your hands close to shaking. After taking in your tensed form, the mesmerizing alien's eyes visibly softened, and he squeezed your hand in a comforting gesture.

"Everything will be fine, Y/N. I'm there for you," he assured, his deep voice unwavering.

But you could see right through his adamant demeanor, having learned throughout the time you had known him what to look for in his expression and behavior to read his emotions. Mustering up all your strength, you managed to smile at him and returned the gesture of squeezing his hand. "Don't hide your feelings. I know you're nervous as well. But no matter what will happen, I'll also be there for you."

(3rd person POV)

It rendered Taehyung utterly surprised to realize that the girl had seen right through his façade, reading his emotions as effortlessly as a book, even though he had tried to bury his insecurity and doubts deep down in his mind. Because regardless of how steadfast he had acted for Y/N, he was outright frightened of the uncertainty of the immediate future. 

What would happen when they exited the spacecraft? How would the crowd react to his alliance uniform, or worse, if they found out who he was? Would they even allow him to reveal their intentions, or would they just straight-up shoot them? Would Jin come to defend him if it went wrong?

With all those troubling thoughts in mind, he looked at the mesmerizing human next to him, trying to gain comfort from her close presence and the familiar soothing sensation of feeling her small hand in his large one. The light touch did indeed calm and reassure him, and he tried to return that effect by pushing his purple glow out to penetrate her skin and flow into her body, causing her to relax visibly.

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