𝒞𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝚅𝙸𝙸

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 (Your POV)

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(Your POV)


Dumb, dumb, dumb!' you scolded yourself over and over again while banging your fist against the wall in frustration.

How could you be so dumb and try befriending an alien that could possibly be your biggest enemy! Not to mention that you had told him your whole backstory! He could easily find a way to harm you with that personal information you had given him, not physically but mentally!

Your fist collided one last time with the wall before you put it next to you.

You were lying again on the pallet. That time the mysterious and beautiful alien had come into the cell had happened a few days ago, at least that's what you believed because you had no sense of time anymore.

You sighed heavily. In the environment and situation you were in, it would be best to distrust everyone. You didn't even know why the aliens had kidnapped you. At least they had helped you overcoming the sickness completely, but who knew what the purpose behind it was?

Your thoughts drifted off, and you found yourself thinking about the enchanting being again. The boy had seemed as if he had cared for you, his fascinating silver eyes had been filled with concern. 

But maybe that was just a strategy of him to make you trust him and tell all your secrets. Nevertheless, he had seemed very genuine.

And beautiful. 

You thought of his aesthetic features again, his mesmerizing silver eyes, and his well-built body. The purple glow he had emitted was fascinating. Unfortunately, you hadn't been able to see much of it because the black cloth that had been wrapped around his face had blocked the glow. And it had also covered everything but his eyes...

You imagined his features that you would get to see if he unwrapped it. Maybe it would reveal an angelic face, blending you with its beauty. Or maybe, he covered himself because he was ugly?

No, that was very unlikely. The two other aliens you had seen before had been hideous and ugly and hadn't covered it, and the one that had chased and kidnapped you on earth even had seemed to enjoy seeing you frightened.

You thought again at him, the fascinating alien with the silver eyes. Something about his eyes had been strangely familiar. Had you perhaps seen him before? But that was impossible!

(3rd person POV)

He stood in his room again, the black cloth for the moment wasn't covering his ethereal face, showing his furrowed eyebrows that were caused by his thoughts orbiting around the girl. He regretted what he had done in the last seconds before he had left her cell. 

He had been about to touch her, and skinship was something he hadn't experienced for many years. Nobody had touched or hugged him to comfort him after his mother got murdered, so why did he have the urge to comfort someone who he didn't even know? Why had all the deeply buried emotions he wanted to hide come up when he had seen the girl?

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