"Y/N, I love you too. Can you do something for me?" He smiles in anticipation for what I'm about to say. "When we get back from the underworld, let's get a place to stay. Just the two of us. All the girls already live with Issei and Kiba and Gasper have no problems where they are. Consider it a first home for us."

"I think that sounds magnificent. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind staying in the ORC, but it would be nice to truly have a place to call ours. I've been thinking about the future a lot since you brought me back. Things may not work out exactly how I think they will, but I know that if anything happens we can take care of it." The two of us smile at each other and it seems like time is stopping for the two of us, all until Issei comes in and sees us standing there.

"Hey I was told to let you know that dinner is ready. I hope I'm not interrupting anything." The two of us laugh and we follow Issei out to the dining room. "Hey Y/N, before we go back home I really do want to spar with you. You've brought it up before and I want to see if I'm stronger than you." The two of them agree to it and the rest of the night carries on.


The Next Day

After a night of healing with Rias Issei and I meet outside to spar with each other. We both agreed to sneak out early because we didn't have too much time before we head back to the human realm. Issei seems pretty confident, and I'm feeling the same. In terms of raw potential Issei has me beat everyday, but currently I have no idea who is stronger.

"Y/N," he calls to me from across the battlefield. "Don't hold back against me. I want to fight you one on one with us both going all out. You may have saved me when I fought Vali but I'm not the same person as back then. Tannin made sure that I was 100% prepared to fight you." I shake my head and laugh.

"You're not the only one who has gotten stronger since then. I think it's safe to say that the two of us have faced a lot of emotional torment since that night. I'm not going to let it hold me back though. If you want to fight me going all out, then as a warrior it would be disgraceful for me not to give you that respect." Issei really has grown since I met him. Back then the only thing I really knew about him was that he was a pervert, but I've realized that there is a lot more to him than that. Sure he's a pervert, but there is a heart there. I fully understand why all of the other girls like him the way they do. Issei Hyoudou completely understands what he is, and he won't change that for anything. The two of us enter fighting stances and prepare to battle each other.

The two of us dash towards each other and Issei readies his Boosted Gear. He doesn't activate his Balance Breaker and his face stays confident. He boosts as we move towards each other and I ready my defense. One punch could do quite the number to me so I don't want to take it head on. He aims for my cheek but I jump back, bringing some fire into play.

"I saw how you used that against Sirzechs. I'm not going to fall for that Y/N." As true as that may be I'm not so linear. His offense is very potent and it seems like he isn't focused much on blocking. The saving grace of his plan is his speed, which isn't too far behind mine. I turn my flames into a barrier and he tries to lunge through it, allowing me to place a kick to his chest. He slides back but stands unfazed by the attack and I make my move. He's readying himself for flames but I focus more on my physical attacks. Issei jumps my way and it turns into a back and forth of punches.

We trade blows for what seems like a minute, neither one of us giving an inch, but an opening appears for me. His right hand comes and I block it, raising my left leg to kick him in the gut. He falls over but stands quickly again. I jump back preparing to defend, but he laughs.

"Alright that's enough screwing around." Issei enters his Balance Breaker and the gravity of the situation hits me. I'm actually going blow for blow with the Red Dragon Emperor. I get a smirk on my face and Issei notices. "What's so funny Y/N?"

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