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"What's the situation of Briar Rose?" Daniel asks as he holds Victoria close to his chest, they both lay on the bed under the covers, Victoria has her head on his chest and shrugs

"Audrey's sentence was given by Auradon so Auradon has final say, so far Ben hasn't said anything about it" Victoria sighs and kisses his bare chest

"Has he said anything about the battle?" Daniel asks "last I heard he respected our position in the battle and holds his half alliance with us intact"

"That's what I know as well" Victoria snuggles coser to him draping a leg on across his "any news about Carlos?"

"He's doing well" Daniel sighs "no pain no signs that he's dying which I guess is good but everything about the situation is too fragile"

"I know" Victoria closes her eyes and stops herself from thinking about any future regarding Carlos she doesn't feel like getting sad 

"How is Uma and her crew?" Daniel smiles as he imagines them running wild in Auradon and better yet imagining Ben having to deal with them

"They're having fun" Victoria laughs "as they always do when they're away from home. Uma is a bit mad we didn't tell her about Briar Rose and wishes she could have killed them herself but I offered her Aurora's sword and she forgave me"

"You're giving her Aurora's sword?" Daniel asks surprised, he had expected her to put the sword in the trophy room Victoria shrugs

"I don't like having useful things just gathering dust" she says "beside the sword will make a bold statement to any enemies she encounters in her travels"

"That's true" Daniel says and cuddles her closer, soon his breathing evens out and Victoria smiles to herself and falls asleep as well.

With all the drama and aftermath of the battle the weeks passes by in a blink of an eye, they haven't heard news of Auradon on Audrey's case and don't really care they'll see Ben in a couple of hours anyway, they can ask them.

They've just made the final arrangements and made sure there are no more threats in the horizon of any second waves from Briar Rose. Gustav assures her after the battle no other forces have the guts to try and fight not without having more numbers and that will take some time. Dolly has been very busy scheduling meetings and making sure the castle will run perfectly without them there. As always her father is in charge until they return.

Victoria and Daniel holds their small travel bags over their shoulder and head for the teleportation room which is much more convenient than going through her bedroom doors and appearing on the Holy Trinity.

"Your majesty!" Dolly calls walking rapidly towards them. Victoria drops her bag and walks up to meet her

"What's wrong Dolly?" Victoria asks

"You have a visitor" Dolly informs her "she is being escorted inside by the guards"

"Who is it?" Victoria asks and Dolly is about to answer then the person in question appears at the end of the hall on their way to the throne room. The guards see their queen and stop.

Victoria raises an amuses and curious eyebrow and walks towards them. Her guards stand at the ready, clicking their heels together as a salute since they can't properly bow and hold their attention on their... guest at the same time. Daniel stands behind Victoria and Dolly stands to the side.

"Aren't you going to introduce me?" The woman standing before Victoria asks Dolly

"Audrey Briar Rose" Victoria says in an amused tone "what brings you to my castle?"

"Your majesty it's Queen Audrey now" Dolly clarifies and Victoria smirks

"It sure is" she eyes Audrey up and down making the poor woman shudder, she's in the belly of the beast, and Victoria is going to remind her of it every second she can, she'll have to watch her tongue.

"My question remains the same" Victoria says after inspecting her, Jeremy semi materializes and whispers into her ear that she holds no weapons. Audrey swallows hard at Jeremy's sudden appearance but holds her ground which Daniel thinks is very impressive since Jeremy scares even him.

"I want to talk to you" Audrey says quietly but with authority

"Regents have to make an appointment but given the circumstances I will allow this, once" Victoria says "come" she leads them to the nearest council room which also happens to be the smallest which is good. Victoria and Daniel sit and Audrey does as well.

"You may leave" Daniel tells the guards who can now properly bow and they step outside and guard the doors. Dolly look at Victoria.

"Stay Dolly I have a feeling we'll need a witness" Dolly takes a seat and Audrey visibly looks a bit nervous now. She reaches into one of the pockets of her coat and takes out a roll of parchment. She hands it to Daniel who opens it, reads it and passes it to Victoria.

Neither of them show any sort of facial expression that may reveal what they might be thinking. Victoria stares at Audrey, glances at the paper once more and hands it to Dolly who's eyes widen ever so slightly as she reads it.

"It's an intriguing idea but I can't help and question it's truthfulness. If what you've written is true then you are more cold hearted than I thought" Victoria gives her the slightest smile and Audrey takes a deep breath.

"It is strange, I know, given the circumstances which is why I came here in person" Audrey begins "the offer is sincere and truthful, I am willing to agree to any conditions you may have"

"Any conditions?" Daniel asks with a slightly helpful tone, warning her to reconsider her words, Audrey backtracks

"Any conditions that will not put my people in danger or threaten my crown" Audrey specifies and Daniel gives her a slight nod letting her know she's been specific enough. Victoria assesses Audrey and narrows her eyes slightly

"I killed your mother a week ago" she says bluntly to gauge Audrey's reaction "Daniel cut off your fathers head. What do you think about that?" to Audrey's credit she doesn't flinch to either statement but her eyes do shine with tears

"They were fools to begin a war they could not win" her voice doesn't shake or crack and her tears don't fall, Victoria is impressed "there's enough bad blood between us for generations to come but I've learned much in my year of exile. I learned much in my days as the villain and I will end this cycle of vengeance. This cruel cycle that only runs red and has no victor"

"I want that too" Victoria says letting a little wisp of  her exhaustion coat her words "do you understand what an alliance with Vernelle will mean for your other alliances?" Audrey nods

"Some of the kingdoms have already turned their back on me due to this plan yet I've gained other allies because of this same proposal" Audrey smiles slightly "Vernelle prides itself on being the land of second chances. I am here for mine"

The two queens stare at each other for a long while, neither looks away or moves a single inch. Daniel and Dolly watch this power game go on and on until Victoria smiles wide flashing her teeth in approval, Audrey blinks and relaxes slightly.

"Daniel?" Victoria asks and Daniel smiles at Audrey he's known her for years and Victoria trusts his opinion and values it greatly. Daniel's mind races as all of the possibilities flash in seconds through his head. But they all end at the same conclusion, Audrey can be trusted.

"We'll have to make some changes to the proposal make it more oficial and add some safety nets for both Queendom's" he says "but I accept the proposal"

"As do I" Victoria says "we have an alliance, Briar Rose" Audrey smiles, genuinely smiles and sighs in relief

"Thank you Victoria" she says and bows Victoria and Daniel bow back

"We are not there yet" Victoria says and Audrey nods in agreement

"Yes that felt weird" she chuckles and so does Daniel "I apologize your majesty" Victoria smiles at her pleased at her progress

"This way your highness" Daniel motions to the door "we have some work to do"

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