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Zeus gathers a lighting bolt in his hand in seconds and raises his arm to strike them down.

"Wait!" Victoria yells "we'll find Hades for you!" Zeus stops and stares at her, she looks at him refusing to back down. He raises his eyebrow in interest, the bolt disappears as quickly as it formed

"Continue" he says

"We will find Hades for you" Victoria offers "we will find him and have him return to the underworld, in exchange for a cure" the two gods stare at each other, communicating silently between them. Victoria is shaking but stands her ground knowing everyone behind her has her back and will stand with her should things turn ugly.

"We accept the terms" Zeus says at last, Victoria let's out a breath she knew she'd been holding

"Thank you" Victoria says hiding the relief that washes over her

"Swear on your godly word that when we find and return Hades to the underworld you will give us a cure to heal out brother" Uma interjects before the gods can leave. Poseidon raises his eyebrows in shock that a mortal like her is smart enough to bind them to their word. Zeus on the other hand looks very annoyed that a mortal would dare question him.

"I give you my godly word that when you find and return Hades to the underworld we will give you a cure to heal your brother" Poseidon says highly amused. He turns to look at Zeus who is furious, he nudges him in his ribs

"You have my godly word that I will honor our agreement" Zeus says through his teeth "happy brother?" He spits but Poseidon just nods happily

"How will we contact you once we've completed our part?" Mal asks

"We'll know" is all Zeus says before disappearing

"Good luck mortals" Poseidon smiles and melts into sea foam which is whisked away by the wind.

The dark storm clouds disappear as well and the sea is as calm as it had been merely ten minutes ago. The Lost Boys slowly go back to their work while the rest of them fall to their knees in complete exhaustion. Who knew talking to gods could be so tiring?

"Now we know for sure he's not in the underground" Jay jokes making Mal and Victoria laugh, god they're tired. Bargaining with gods is much more exhausting than any of them could have anticipated but it was not in vain. They have hope now, they just have to find Hades and they already have a plan for that. Victoria can't help but feel quit optimistic about the whole thing and as soon as her body will listen to her she'll stand and tell Carlos but for now she smiles.

Uma is the first of them to recover and as soon as she stands she's yelling orders to the Lost Boys to get us on route for Lemnos as fast as possible.

Soon they're on their way towards Lemnos, the wind in their hair. Everyone has managed to recover from talking to the gods and are resting in their quarters. If talking to the gods was this hard they'll need all their energy for whatever is ahead of them.

The Holy Trinity only has five quarters one of which is Uma's so they all have to share the remaining four, well three given that the fourth is the one that's warded against a god. Jay, Lonnie, Jane and Carlos are in the cabin to the far left. Evie, Mal and Ben are right next to them, and since Victoria and Daniel are Uma's queen and king they get their own quarters to the far right. Uma is in the middle it has the best vantage point and is right in the middle of her ship so if anything happens she can be on deck in the middle of the fight in seconds. Between Uma and Victoria is the god quarter.

Victoria rests only for an hour before heading back outside. She stands with Gil and watches as Daniel continues to mingle with the Lost Boys. Harry is standing underneath them simply watching everyone work. Victoria doesn't know where Uma is and she can't see her so she assumes she's in her quarters probably making a strategy, or two, for them.

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