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Victoria knocks on Carlos' cabin when the sun has disappeared over the horizon.

"Come in" he says and she pokes her head in, Jane, Jay, and Lonnie look towards her

"What's up?" Carlos asks putting down his book, he looks a bit pale but that could be due to either the sea sickness or the gods visit

"Dinner's ready" Victoria smiles

"About time I'm starving" Jay says as he puts on his shoes, the girls also get their shoes for dinner

"It's a bit chilly in case you want to bring a jacket" she's talking to all of them but Carlos can tell it's directed at him specifically

"Thanks but I'm not cold" he smiles but Jane grabs his jacket anyway. Jay practically runs Victoria down in his hurry out the door

"You don't even know where to go!" Lonnie yells knowing Jay hadn't taken any time to study the ship's layout and is going to be running around the ship following his nose.

"I'll see you there?" Victoria asks Carlos who nods and slowly gets out of bed, Jane waits beside him ready to help but only if she's asked

"We'll be right there Victoria" she smiles at her so Victoria closes the door and makes her way to the dinning room where everyone else is. The ship has two dinning rooms one used for formalities which has a table large enough to sit ten people and the second one which is a lot more comfortable and has sitting pillows instead of chairs and a simple table in the middle big enough for the food. Most of the Lost Boys are sitting around Mal and Evie talking about how things are on the Isle now that everyone's gone and how they've gotten used to the royal life.

Jay and Lonnie are already there, Jay is eating his weight in food competing with Theodore to see who can stuff more fried balls in their mouths, Lonnie rolls her eyes at her boyfriend and instead talks with some of the Boys and Daniel who's completely at home on the ship. Ben sits a bit apart from Mal and them, some of the Boys look at him curiously, he along with Lonnie and Jane are the only outsiders on the ship but he's the only one that actually feels out of place. Uma sits with Gil and Harry and with the other Lost Boys. Victoria stands there for a few seconds soaking in the scene and smiling.

"Hey love, I saved you some of these fried things" Daniel says uncovering a hidden plate with the food that Jay and Theodore are stuffing their faces with. Victoria kisses his cheek as she eats one whole

"You're the best" she smiles with her mouth still full he laughs and rolls his eyes

"Gross" Binky wrinkles his nose at the kiss and his twin shakes his head as well

"Yeah get a room you two" Marmaduke seconds

"I bet you two are just jealous" Victoria muses and throws herself on them kissing their faces

"Victoria stop!" they yell trying to get out from under her, she laughs and sits back to keep eating, they wipe their faces with their sleeves and stick out their tongues at her

"We're not five anymore" Marmaduke says eating

"No you're not" Victoria smiles "you're big strong men aren't you?" she mocks but she knows it's true they've grown up, almost twenty now, Victoria can hardly believe it

"Yeah I even have a tattoo now" Thomas says behind her he rolls up his sleeve

"Thomas!" Mal says her eyes wide as she takes in his mermaid tattoo "who the hell let you get a tattoo?!"

"Uma" he says as if it were obvious, at the mention of her name Uma turns

"He has a tattoo!" Mal says pointing to his arm and Uma shrugs

"So?" she asks taking a sip of her drink "he's and adult he can do whatever he wants"

"He's a baby!" Evie seconds but with a smile and a joking tone to her voice

"We're pirates Princess" Gil laughs "everyone here has at least one tattoo or a piercing. Marmaduke got his ears pierced a few months ago" Mal's eyes grow wide and she turns to Marmaduke who cowers behind his twin she opens her mouth to scold him no doubt but Victoria just laughs and leans back to pat her knee

"Let it go Mal" she smiles "you're not their mom" she jokes but underneath she's also slightly implying that they're not her problem either since they're under Victoria's rule not hers. Thankfully only Ben and Harry notice, the others laugh and joke about the horrors of being Mal's children

"You'd be lucky to be my kids" Mal jokes "but now I don't want any of you" she laughs and they begin to very dramatically apologize and beg her to be their mom.

Carlos comes in right about then and just stares completely confused as to why the Lost Boys are climbing on top of both Evie and Mal. He hears bits and pieces of what the Boys are saying and he laughs loudly. The Boys laugh as well and they make room for Carlos and Jane. Mal, Evie, Jay and Uma hand them both food, a bit more for Carlos and Uma makes sure he gets the best pillow so that he's not even the slightest bit uncomfortable.

They finish eating and insist on clearing the table but the Lost Boys swat their hands away claiming they'd just get in their way. They go back to their quarters except for Victoria and Daniel who stay up on deck for a while just to see the moon in the sky. After a while they get chilly and go to their quarters and fall into a slight food coma.

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