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"Get this ship under control!" Harry orders

"Everyone hold on!" Daniel yells spotting a massive wave coming right at them, Victoria barely has time to conjure up ropes to tie themselves to the ship when the wave hits.

The Lost Boys yell and curse as they're flung around the ship but thanks to the ropes no one goes overboard.

The two gods before them haven't moved since they appeared. They just stare down at them and look menacing.

"Uma control the sea!" Victoria yells down at her

"That's Poseidon!" Uma yells back as if Victoria hadn't recognized the god before them "he's the god of the sea!"

"And you're the daughter of Ursula the sea witch!" Victoria counters "get the sea under control now!" She orders. Uma grits her teeth but does as she's told. She has magic, she can and will gain back control of the sea. Uma unites herself and dives overboard. She reappears seconds later in her octopus form now almost a big as the Holly Trinity. The sea calms down ridiculously fast as Uma's eyes shine with power

"Get this ship in order!" Harry yells "protect the captain if need be!"

"Mal find a spell to get this weather under control!" Daniel orders "Victoria get their attention, make them back down"

"With pleasure my love" Victoria smiles and unites herself, she makes her way unsteadily towards the bow of the ship

"Jeremy" Victoria says taking out her swords

"Yes my queen?" He asks materializing himself beside her

"Inflict as much damage as possible" Victoria orders "let's see if they truly bleed ichor"

"Yes my queen" Jeremy nods and they launch themselves at the gods.

Poseidon and Zeus are even bigger up close and personal. Jeremy swirls around Zeus slashing and hacking away at him. Victoria gets Poseidon. She hovers before him grinning wickedly before flying straight towards his face.

The cuts she manages to inflict are ridiculously small and too superficial for her liking. She hasn't managed to make him bleed but she has gotten his attention. Poseidon swats at her as if she were a pesky fly. By focusing on Victoria, the sea calms down even further. Mal has done her job as well, the clouds struggle to form and the lightning strikes are less often.

Jeremy is having similar luck with Zeus, despite his training and talent, a god is still a god and his cuts haven't produced blood. Although it's a good thing Jeremy took on Zeus because he can dissolve at a moments notice whenever Zeus tries to zap him out of the air with a lightning bolt. Victoria would've been dead in seconds.

Needing a bigger weapon Victoria asks for the Other Side's help and conjures up a huge wide sword with a carved wooden handle. With yellow glowing eyes Victoria yells as she attacks Poseidon bringing the sword down with all her strength. He manages to raise his arm in front his face and the sword digs deep into his skin causing him to scream in pain.

Victoria drops the sword as soon as it meets its target and she lands back on the bow of the ship, Jeremy returns to her side once more his swords glint with hard earned golden blood.

The wound on Poseidon's arm gushes ichor down his elbow and drips into the sea casting a golden circle around him as the sea sweeps it away. Poseidon removes the sword easily, in his massive hand it looks like a mere splinter. Uma returns to the ship as well and they brace themselves for the consequences.

Laughter is the last thing any of them expected. But despite the fight and injuries, Poseidon laughs deeply. There's a flash of bright light that blinds them for a moment, when they can see again the gods have disappeared and reappeared in normal human heights and clothes.

It's strange to see Zeus wearing a three piece suit after he was just wearing nothing but a toga. Poseidon is somehow even stranger, he's not wearing a suit at all instead he's wearing ripped jeans a white shirt and a blue and green scarf around his neck, a shark tooth earring hangs from his left ear.

Mal, Uma, and Victoria stand at the ready for any sort of attack but the two men look oddly relaxed. Poseidon's arm is now bandaged and his eyes twinkle with delight as he stares at the humans before him. He grins and opens his mouth but his brother beats him to it

"Where is Hades?" Zeus asks, his voice is chilling, there's a soft crackle to it like friction gathering for a strike

"Brother" Poseidon frowns as his spot light is stolen, Zeus ignores him and repeats himself

"Where is Hades?" Everyone looks at each other, the Lost Boys stand bravely behind their captain, Harry and Gil stand tall and silent. Both Daniel and Ben have made their way down towards the bow of the ship and stand with their wives.

"I will not ask a third time" Zeus says impatient, his voice has gathered power and his body tingles with electricity, they can see sparks fly off him

"Perhaps if you were to ask nicely" Poseidon suggests and turns towards them "hello mortals, we're looking for our brother, Hades lord of the underworld have you seen him?"

"What do you want with Hades?" Mal asks and Poseidon grins victoriously at his brother, Zeus grumbles but says nothing

"It's a godly matter of no concern to simple minded creatures such as yourselves" Zeus snaps and Poseidon rolls his eyes

"What my brother means is, our brothers has been missing for some centuries and his job in the underworld has been left unattended" Poseidon explains calmly while Zeus taps his foot, exasperated. Poseidon ignores him and continues "unfortunately, the paper work has begun to pile up and souls have started to form lines that stretch out of the underworld. And the underworld has a magic capacity so imagine the amount of backlog" Poseidon jokes and coughs slightly when no one even smiles

"So you see it would be marvelous if you could tell us what you know about Hades' whereabouts" Poseidon finishes with a big grin, pleased at having spoken so eloquently and clearly to the first mortals he's encountered in millennia

"What will you give us if we help you?" Uma asks, Zeus narrows his eyes at her but she stands firm

"We will be eternally grateful" Poseidon says as if that were the best reward he could think of

"Might I suggest a trade?" Victoria smiles at them "we give you information and you give us a small favor"

"They know nothing brother" Zeus growls "I'll strike them down, we can find Hades ourselves"

"If you could find him yourselves you wouldn't be asking us for information" Mal points out. Poseidon holds up is hand stopping his brother from zapping them out of existence

"What is this favor you ask of?" Poseidon asks intrigued

"Our brother is dying" Daniel explains keeping it as brief as possible "we would like a cure from Apollo the god of medicine" Poseidon ponders the favor while Zeus looks ready to kill them in a moments notice. The silence stretches on, everyone is tense and sweating with anxiety. They hold their weapons so tight their knuckles are white. At last Poseidon closes his eyes and sighs

"I'm afraid information is just not good enough for a favor of that magnitude" Poseidon says sadly and turns to Zeus "you may spite them brother"

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