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After an entire day of planning and delegating roles throughout her council, they're ready to set sail. They'll be taking the Holy Trinity, which just arrived this morning. It's the fastest ship Victoria has and also the nastiest, built entirely for foul play during battles.

The Lost Boys run around the deck shouting orders to one another while Gil stands at the wheel, his hair pulled back and covered in his usual bandana. Uma stands behind him overseeing everyone both on deck and high on the sails and many many ropes. Harry is on deck orchestrating the entire crew around one another, it's quite impressive.

Victoria and Daniel have already taken their things to their quarters and stand near Uma to avoid getting in anyone's way down below. On the dock Dr. Facilier and Celia stand to watch them leave. Celia wanted to go with them but both Uma and Victoria objected, she only stopped pouting when Victoria told her this was the perfect opportunity to learn how to rule a Queendom and Facilier jumped at the chance to teach a fresh new mind all of his tricks.

They wave goodbye to them as they leave the docks and as they grow smaller and smaller in the horizon.

"What shall I teach you first?" Facilier asks Celia who thinks for a long moment

"Diplomacy" Celia smiles "I want you to teach me how to have everyone wrapped around my pinky" Facilier laughs and pats her head

"You are going to do great" he smiles at her as they walk back to the castle.

Out on the open sea Victoria and Daniel stay mostly on the stern near Gil, to stay out of everyone's way. Uma disappears a little while after they've left Vernelle and sometimes Victoria sees her climbing along some ropes and walking along the mast. Harry stays on deck as close to the bow as possible, as far from Victoria as possible but she can still see him. She makes sure to keep an eye on him not because she doesn't trust him although she doesn't but also to asses how much he's changed.

Daniel after a couple hours of sailing goes down to the deck to talk with the Lost Boys and learn some of the ropes. He knows some things since his father taught him a bit of everything and he particularly liked the sea so Daniel learned a lot and so it's no surprise when Victoria seems him working elbow to elbow with the Lost Boys, laughing and joking with them completely at ease. Sometimes Victoria envíes the way Daniel can so easily become part of a crowd, she's always had trouble adjusting to others but she's really good at faking it.

"If you cry I'll start crying" Gil jokes pulling her attention from her husband

"I'm not crying" Victoria smiles and stands next to him. She leans her back against the railing and looks at Gil

"Are you?" She jokes and he smiles but there is some sadness there

"I've never really talked much with Carlos but you know" he shrugs "we're all VK's and islanders si it really sucks what's going on with him" Victoria nods and does her best to keep her hair out of her face

"I know" she says "but that's why we have a plan. We gotta look out for one another"

"That we do" Gil agrees. They stay in each other's company for another hour, it's peaceful really but you can tell how bad the situation is. Gil usually never stops talking he can talk for hours about absolutely nothing so the fact that's he's so quiet means he's very concerned. Victoria is too but she tries her best to keep her emotions compartmentalized and focus on one thing at a time.

"Land ho!" The Lost Boy on the crows nest shouts down. There's a new frenzy as Harry comanda everyone around. Victoria turns around to look down at them. Daniel is helping as much as he can but he has really easy jobs. Harry can feel Victoria staring at him and does his best to remain focused on his crew and his orders. He's not scared of Victoria but he is deeply ashamed and doesn't know what to or how to go about talking with her, he doubts she wants to talk with him in the first place. Harry shakes those ideas out of his head and focuses on his Boys.

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