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As they come upon the island of Lemnos Uma finally takes a break and sits down as Gil expertly maneuvers them into the docks. Harry throws the rope and ties it down then climbs back up.

"What's the plan?" Lonnie asks rolling her shoulders, stretching, she already has her blades strapped to her back. Victoria really likes Lonnie.

"We'll go down in three search parties and scout the island, if anyone finds the garden or anything useful we call each other" Daniel explains the plan Uma, Victoria and he came up with

"If we don't find anything in two hours we rendezvous back here" Victoria adds

"Carlos is staying and someone should stay with him" Evie says

"Jane is staying she told us before we came up here" Jay tells her

"Alright so Lonnie Jay, and Uma are the first group, Harry, Evie, and Victoria the third group and I'll be with Ben and Daniel" Mal assigns the scouting parties, Harry whitens visibly but doesn't contradict her he only nods. Gil lowers the plank and they walk down to the dock and make their way into Lemnos.

"So who owns the island?" Victoria asks after a while

"I think it belongs to Auradon but it's more like an affiliation" Evie swats away a bug and sighs "it's complicated"

"It's really pretty" Harry says softly watching a colorful bird off in the distance

"It is" Victoria agrees, she's trying to be nicer towards Harry and is really glad Evie is with them she's a great person for a middle ground between the two of them she's also at being neutral.

"It's a bit deserted isn't it?" Evie points out stepping over a fallen tree "there were no other boats and the map doesn't show houses or anything"

"Is this just an empty island?" Victoria asks frowning

"I guess" Evie shrugs

"I wouldn't be so sure about that" Harry whispers and they all stop immediately

"What do you hear?" Evie asks

"Actually I smell smoke" the three of them crouch down slightly and follow Harry towards the smoke. Victoria can smell it now it smells like a campfire type of smoke. Slowly and with caution they approach, their footsteps barely audible.

There's a clearing up ahead, they sneak closer and hide behind some large trees. Peaking from behind them they see the fire Harry smelled and a strange man sitting before it, he has a fur blanket over his legs despite having the fire in front of him and the weather being more than warm, Victoria's sweating from the heat.

Evie shrieks suddenly and both Harry and Victoria turn, swords in hand, ready to attack. They find Evie standing back staring at a woman with brown bark like skin and deep green hair.

"Leaning on me is just rude" the girl says shaking a finger that looks more like a twig at Evie who's still staring at her dumbstruck

"Didn't your mother teach you any manners?" She asks

"Baby!" The strange man yells suddenly causing the woman to shiver. The man sprints towards her and the three of them realize that the fur blanket is actually his legs which end in hooves instead of feet. They're too stunned to react as the man? Runs past them chasing the poor tree woman. However they snap out of it quite fast sand run after the them.

They're really fast and soon they're sprinting just to keep up. Harry takes out a bola and throws it at the mans hooves, they wrap around making him stumble and land face first into the ground.

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